Message 1 of 2


I am getting very disappointed with the BT email service. They have changed the email format which in most peoples point of view is nothing better than a child could have done, the service goes down too frequently, mail is lost and the answer is "If its not on the server...tough" If I want to make a complaint, I have to send a letter to fully explain myself, and I have to pay for that letter. Surely they understand that we now have emails  and don't need to send letters to an organisation that runs an email service. What the hell is going on, is no one accountable to me or other punters, or do we just keep throwing money into the system. Surely their must be someone on the Board that sits on it on our behalf and if not I would certainly like to represent the users, and I haven't got a brain so I would be on par with the rest of the Board. I've finished my rant but I know no one outside of this community will recognise the fact that many are ?issed off.

Message 2 of 2

Re: Everything

It's BTs service so they can change it how they want, however if you have premium mail (included free for broadband customers) you can use another email client, there's hundreds to choose from, find one that suits your needs.



If I want to make a complaint, I have to send a letter to fully explain myself, and I have to pay for that letter.

No you don't, you can call, write, visit an EE/BT store or use the live chat to raise a complaint.