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Message 1 of 16

Re: Norton 360 VPN slows down Ultrafast 150mb

This is still an ongoing problem now.

Just installed VPN and noticed massive speed drops on my laptop running on fibre 300 plan and my cell phone on 4G.

Speedtest shows usual expected speeds with VPN off but almost grinds to a halt with it on and also massive jump in ping rate and jitter.

Absolutely useless if you want to do anything in a hurry on the internet.

Definitely disabiling VPN.

Message 2 of 16

Re: Norton 360 VPN slows down Ultrafast 150mb

Hi, I dont't work for BT, but I noticed all complaints about Norton, been reading them.
I have just installed Norton, after receiving usual letter from BT McAfee, I am noticing no difference in speed whatsoever, loaded youtube, runs 720 speed videos just the same. I read your comment so I have ran a test on Ookla, barely any difference, only in worse case I get a change of at most 5% off download, and 3% off upload. But obviously if you want protection it needs to read some bits off the in stream as it enters the computer. You can always turn off some options in Norton, or turn in completely off for highest speed, but of course doing this you'll have to occasionally download a free AV and do occasional scans, clean outs once every few months. If youre files arent that important and you do backups, you can always reinstall windows if your computer goes down.
I got degree computer science, york uni 92, and worked in computer jobs back in 93-98, and I can tell you Norton was always main recommended AV, top notch, right back then. Nowadays it is the most expensive. And in my opinion the best. It will be doing incredible saftey checks, that's the delay. I wouldnt worry about speed drops, saftey is paramount, and privacy.
Message 3 of 16

Re: Norton 360 VPN slows down Ultrafast 150mb

There's the computer and there's the internet. Your Software runs on the computer itself, not on the internet, any package downloaded runs on the computr, so the delays are in your computer, not in the actual internet download and upload speed. Norton can't affect the speed of the internet, but it can slow down your computer. Make sure you've removed McAfee in Remove programs in control panel, and if it is running slow, remove certain options in Norton.

I am running it on an old computer 10 yrs old, with windows 7, and I can't notice any drop in speed AT ALL. And I should know, having a degree. I would definitely notice a speed drop. But it is ardly changing anything, we are talking 5% slower, a tiny bit slower. Worth it to be protected. I wouldnt want hackers on my computer, Norton has been at it years, literally years, he is an expert on viruses, world renowned. We have got a bargain here getting a freebie from BT.Noone can afford Norton, litrerally no one, only rich relations have norton.

Message 4 of 16

Re: Norton 360 VPN slows down Ultrafast 150mb

What's a vpn? I've never used one ever, been programming for 40 years. What do you need that for? A Virtual private network, that's only needed in certain countries where governments turn off internet during school examinations. You don't need that at all. A vpn stops people seeing what you are doing, i.e. not just bad but good people, technicians who operate the servers, who need to access data to service the net, they dont access your personal data on your computer. A vpn is only used by hackers, or cybernet people as they can go to sites without people knowing.
Ordinary people use the net normally, no on uses a private network hunhless they are a detective. So definitely yes, turn it off.
I haven't got anything like like, BT has given us Norton, no one mentioned anything about a vpn to me, as far as I can see it's just a normal anti virus package. Used normally it only has a 5% delay, at worst.
Message 5 of 16

Re: Norton 360 VPN slows down Ultrafast 150mb

a vpn as far as I know whould only be used by the cyberpolice. I've only known one person who said once to me he was using a vpn, a young kid 32, friend of my daughter's, who visited me once for 3 months, he was downloading torrents i.e. films, and sometimes exe's, this is illegal, you knoiw, copyright material. I told him about it, and how it's not allowd, you shouldnt be downloading anything except books, and freeware opensource programs. We've got youtube will billions of videos on, just watch stuff on there. I know kids do it now, this downloading of mpeg files, games etc, but you are not allowed, so I am not surprised norton is slowing things down if you have set up a vpn, it will take all the speed as norton will think you are a detective on a special investigation needing also security as well as covering up everywhere you go. Turn it off.
I can't see any mention of vpn anywhere in the bt program, it just says Norton at the left, BT at the right, is says Nortonlifelock, don't click on any extra buttons, just download it and leave it as it is. Just as in a spaceship, you should never touch buttons you don't know. I have just downloaded it and let it run, I haven't clicked on anything extra.
Message 6 of 16

Re: Norton 360 VPN slows down Ultrafast 150mb

I can't see any mention of 360 anywhere. It is a special program in relation between BT and Norton, there is no VPN button anywhere on it. As far as I know a private network is for spies. Norton will be trying to give you absolute top security as thoug you work for Fort Knox, of course it will slow 150mb down to 40mb. In any case are you really get that speed? I use BT and it has always said about 23mb.
Message 7 of 16

Re: Norton 360 VPN slows down Ultrafast 150mb

vpn's are only used by givernment organisations where strict privacy is needed, vpn's can't even be tracked by police, what sites are you wanting to go on? I have never used one ever, If you are trying to pirate copyright material or watch netflix etc without a license you will be found out because the service provider will know if you are using one, and can inform the authorities.
Message 8 of 16

Re: Norton 360 VPN slows down Ultrafast 150mb

criminals on the dark web use vpn's
Message 9 of 16

Re: Norton 360 VPN slows down Ultrafast 150mb

but are you really getting that? 150mb? Virgin says you get 150mb etc, I don't believe it. At least bt says what speed you'll get. The sales and marketing of these companies who post adverts through our door, offering so called high speeds, you know virgin's cables are 20 year old, bt's are only 2 years old. If it's saying 40mb it's the true rate. I only get about 20mb and I'm on bt infinity 2.
70 pound a month before I phone up.
Other companies are renting lines off bt, but bt has their own lines, there is no traffic management even in high usage times on a bt line, because they ARE the telephone company. I have never pinged the net, why are you in dos doing that? And hiding your website details from the telephone company. Norton is having to provide extreme security as though you are aprivate detective that's why it is slowing it down so much, because it's trying to find out what you are doing.
Message 10 of 16

Re: Norton 360 VPN slows down Ultrafast 150mb

FBI investigate people who try to crack passwords, high speed network authentification crackers, they get vpn on norton by adding ncrack.exe to program files.