Not applicable
Message 21 of 27

Re: Bt hub

Did you switch Smart Setup off again after the factory reset ? (it will have been re-enabled)

Do you have any powerline converters attached to your system and if so how many?

What happens when you disconnect the 2nd cable (the one that caused it to stop working after the factory reset)

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Message 22 of 27

Re: Bt hub

yes i turned smart setup off after factory reset
i dont have any powerlines connected
and nothing happens when i take out the cable that causes it to go off only thing that happens is that it shows the pc is hard wired but not connected
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Not applicable
Message 23 of 27

Re: Bt hub

From message 1: "Now ive got the bt hub fitted it dosnt pick up my 2 ethernet cables ive tried connecting them in every port to no joy the ports on the bt hub are working as ive connected other cables and it shows as connected  ive done a factory reset and still no joy"

Am I interpreting that correctly, you are saying that you can connect other devices to those two cables and they work correctly, is that correct?

If I read it correctly, then that brings us back to those devices, are they the ones you referred to in message 12 with static IP addresses?

Can you access the hub manager (, click on IPV4 Configuration (below the blue toolbar) and in the top box, temporarily change to, save and exit, then check those devices and report back. Don't be surprised if other devices can no longer connect - that's easily sorted. You may need to change the top box back to and save and exit again to access the internet.

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Message 24 of 27

Re: Bt hub

did all that and all that happened where a few things knocked off when i put it back to how it was the pc connected then after 10 mins dropped connection cant believe its fine with WIFI just ethernet so i think it could be a fault with the hub as nothing has changed from when i was with talktalk apart from changing the hub to BT

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Message 25 of 27

Re: Bt hub

have you tried connecting a different device to the Ethernet cable in your bedroom and see if the device connects to internet

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Message 26 of 27

Re: Bt hub


 nothing has changed from when i was with talktalk apart from changing the hub to BT

One very important thing that has changed is the Gateway address, that was the purpose of the little test I had you run.

You said you're not technical so I'll keep this as simple as I can (purists will tell me that I've over simplified it but que sera).

Your hub is the Gateway through which your devices connect to the internet,  with talk talk the network address of this gateway is whereas with BT it's

Any device with a static IP address will continue to look for the gateway at but it can't find it because it's not there, hence it can't connect. Changing the hub address to should have overcome this.

When I asked you to change the IP address of the hub, I expected you to report back that those devices with the static IP were working and possibly that some of the other devices could no longer connect. Was this not the case

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Message 27 of 27

Re: Bt hub

sorry just done 14 hr shift at work wont be doing anything with it today will going to be shortly

but will keep you all updated as and when i resolve the matter....



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