Message 1 of 3

Error in Forwading or replying to some emails

I use 2 e mail clients.. Mailbird on Desktop Windows and Spark on iPhone/iPad. I use these as I have more than one email account, 2x BT 1x Gmail I use them as I don’t like and get on with the BT mail app itself.


Problem has occurred when either forwarding a received mail on my main BT account or replying to an incoming mail. Seems to be only with certain business or company related emails. My reply is seen as Spam and gets stuck in the Draft Folder.   


edit 09.12.21(1)png.png


1st Message to Mailbird

2 incidents today when I have tried to in the first incident to forward an email I had received to someone else. In the second incident I couldn't reply to an email as it said it was spam which it wasn't .. That one is now stuck in my draft folder

2nd Message to Mailbird

Additional Info.  Both mails that wouldn't forward or reply to in Mailbird were from businesses  
First was trying to forward an email from the CEO of BT which i was trying to forward to my pal.

The second was a reply from me to a company that I had ordered some goods from

In both cases, mailbird saw the email addresses or content as spam which they were not

Is there a setting somewhere that prevents this.  I also tried resending after first disabling Macafee anti-virus. Made no difference

Made all sorts of changes. Deleted my main bt account from Mailbird and reloaded. No difference

Unticked email tracking No difference. Shut down anti virus No difference


No problems performing these forwarding or reply actions if I do it from my iPhone using Spark or directly from my BT Mail app

This has gone back and forth for days with Mailbird now saying its a BT problem and quoting earlier incidents discussed on the BT Community forum


Penultimate Message from Mailbird

So after doing more research on this issue it does look like related to your webmail server.
Here is a community post that suggests multiple people had these issues in past; 
Mail bounced back with "550 spam, or phishing or m... - BT Community
Therefore I will kindly ask you to get in touch with your webmail server support for further clarification on this issue. 


My Repy

Considering that if I don’t use Mailbird  on my desktop, and try the same actions direct from my BT MAIL APP on my desktop, I get no problem

Likewise if I don’t use Mailbird on my desktop and send it from my iPhone (as I am doing right now) using Spark ( a similar email client to Mailbird) I get no problem.

Suggests to me that this is a problem peculiar to Mailbird and it’s relation to BT email addresses

Maybe if this can’t be solved particularly as I am sure if I contact BT they will say it’s a Mailbird problem then the simple answer is for me to ditch Mailbird and run all my emails from my iPad and iPhone.


Last Message from Mailbird

 do understand your concern that you do not want to go back & forth for the support.

But I have attached a PDF from the BT Mail community post that indicated it was an error from their end, please check that out. 

Also, I have attached a screenshot of a user thread that has similar problem to yours with BT Mail: 
Solved: 550 spam, or phishing or malware - Page 2 - BT Community

Therefore I request you please get in touch with them.



I am getting tired of this Is this a BT error or Mailbird, Any suggestions would help

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Error in Forwading or replying to some emails

Hi @Golf1894, welcome to the forum, and sorry you are having this problem with sending emails. I've sent you a Private Message so you can get in touch with the Mod team and we'll be happy to help you with this.



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Message 3 of 3

Re: Error in Forwading or replying to some emails

Interesting development.     Had a call a while ago saying problem was being looked at.  Not heard anything more but last week for another reason I changed my AV from McAfee to Norton.  I have been testing my email twice a week by forwarding the same problematic email to my Gmail account,   

Every time the error has occurred.  Hadn't done this process since changing to Norton 360 a week ago.   Tried it again a couple of hours ago and had no problem at all.  

Is this a coincidence.   Has Mailbird done something at their end.  Have BT done a  fix we don't know about, or was it McAfee all along.  If it was its odd because when it all started the first thing I tried was shutting down McAfee  and it made no difference   

Glad that I don't seem to have a problem anymore but curious to know what has changed.

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