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Message 21 of 28

Re: Orange light every 10 mins!!!

The BT line tester cannot detect noisy lines unless they are causes by an electrical fault. A high resistance connection will cause noise, and that will not be detected.

If you had left, and moved to another provider, the line fault would still be there, and you would have to start over again.


0 Ratings
Message 22 of 28

Re: Orange light every 10 mins!!!

Fair enough! 

so just for educational purposes is this something that can just pop up randomly? Is it caused by anything? 

I have never had an issue with BT and been at this place for 4 years now

0 Ratings
Message 23 of 28

Re: Orange light every 10 mins!!!

Appreciate all the advice! So once I do the line test and hear or don’t hear any noise? 

What’s my best bet? Phone BT get someone out again? 

0 Ratings
Message 24 of 28

Re: Orange light every 10 mins!!!

All faults pop up at random, things don't last for ever, they go faulty. It is probably a corroded wire somewhere that is just about making contact.

If the line is noisy, report it as a phone fault rather than a broadband fault. If its not noisy try the test the next time the broadband drops.

0 Ratings
Message 25 of 28

Re: Orange light every 10 mins!!!

Hi @Wealey88,

Just a quick message to follow up with you. Have you managed to get the service repaired?

If you still have a fault with your service, please post back and I'll take a look at this for you.



0 Ratings
Message 26 of 28

Re: Orange light every 10 mins!!!

Hello mate, 

After being miss sold the new router and tied into a new contract. I got hold of a lad in Scotland who quite honestly was superb in all the help he got me. 

Got me out of the contract with his manager. And got an open reach engineer out the next morning. Who again who absolutely superb. Ran all new cables from outside my home. Did something with the box in the street. Replaced a bunch of stuff my end and spent a good 2 hours in the rain to fix it or do what he thought would fix it. 

Was massively appreciated and haven’t had an issue since! Just wish I could of got hold of the lad from BT who called me back 3 times when he said he would and was first class with his help! 

Message 27 of 28

Re: Orange light every 10 mins!!!


You can thank the Openreach engineer here.

It is always appreciated.

As for the customer service person, I will ask a moderator to help with this.


Message 28 of 28

Re: Orange light every 10 mins!!!

Hi @Wealey88, thanks for posting about the excellent level of service you received from our colleague in Scotland it's always good to hear of a positive experience. I've sent you a Private Message so you can get in touch with the Mod team and we'll try to track them down and pass on your thanks.



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