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Message 31 of 38

Re: Smart Hub 2 - DECT extenders

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I have followed the tread and it has gone off topic.  Is there a way of connecting a DECT repeater to the smart hub 2. I have FTTH now installed and 2 DECT handsets which work fine in my home, but I need a third in my office at the end of the garden, and the DECT signal is just out of range,

I don't have a big garden it's just that my router is at the front of the house and I can't move it , so the DECT signal has to travel through the house. Is there a way of registering a repeater on the Smart Hub 2.

My previous DECT handsets I installed a repeater and that worked well, but you need to register the repeater as a DECT repeater on the basestation or in this case on the Smart Hub 2.

I think that this has become more of a problem with more people working from home. Did Robbie the Moderator ever get back to anyone with a solution.

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Message 32 of 38

Re: Smart Hub 2 - DECT extenders

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No answer as yet.  We are dealing with BT remember and they don't really care to be honest.

I am also after an answer and it's been months so far.

You have to wonder if they actually have a tech support!


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Message 33 of 38

Re: Smart Hub 2 - DECT extenders

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As I said in November, don't hold your breath waiting for an answer.

I will, however, flag this again.

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Message 34 of 38

Re: Smart Hub 2 - DECT extenders

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Hi guys,

Thank you for your patience whilst I got this looked into.

I did actually receive a response to this which I overlooked so the delayed reply is my fault, sorry 😟

The answer to your question is no.  DECT extenders will not work with the Smart Hub 2.  This may change in the future but at present, they are not available.

Sorry again for the delay posting back.

All the best,


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Message 35 of 38

Re: Smart Hub 2 - DECT extenders

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Thanks for the answer.


As you have another DECT set you could use a DV adapter and then connect your other dect into the adapter.

Obviuosly the adpter should be installed at the closest point to the garden.



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Message 36 of 38

Re: Smart Hub 2 - DECT extenders

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My understanding from LiDo who make DECT extenders is that the BT implementation of Digital Voice DECT is non standard and that current models don't support DV. So no extenders available (and boy do I need one!)

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Message 37 of 38

Re: Smart Hub 2 - DECT extenders

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I don't know of a solution. Like other users I can't move my hub easily. Also power outages during recent storms was an issue.

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Message 38 of 38

Re: Smart Hub 2 - DECT extenders

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I meant use the BT adapter which is mains powered and plug this into a socket near the garden.  Pair to the Hub 2.

Then connect the origonal DECT system to the adapter socket.

The distance is therefore greatly reduced from the house to the graden and that should work.

The only issue would be if you wish to transfer or conference calls between phones which cannot happen as these are two DECT systems.
