Message 1 of 24

BT openreach shambles - no internet for 5th month

BT/openreach cut my copper line in error in may 22 so I have had no internet since then.
They say it cannot be reinstated as not enough capacity at the cabinet….apparently!  

agreed to install fibre at their own cost, as it was their fault. LIES

Now want to charge me £1000s 

I am at my wits end…we can no longer work from home, kids can’t do their homework, my doorbell/heat/security system all down due to no internet…has upended our lives the stress is unreal. Devastating impact on our work, family life and mental health

has anyone had same issues and ever managed to get it resolved? Ombudsman appears to have no power to do anything….HELP. I was told by BT this has never happened before to anyone 

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Message 2 of 24

Re: BT openreach shambles - no internet for 5th month

Hi @Catrionajs and thanks for posting.

I'm really sorry this hasn't been resolved yet. I can see you sent over your details previously and @RobbieMac looked into it. The position hasn't changed since then. Our executive level team are case managing this and are due to contact you again on the weekend.



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Message 3 of 24

Re: BT openreach shambles - no internet for 5th month

Unfortunately the “executive level team” has now told us nothing more they can do. I have no confidence in this team hence why I am reaching out on this forum, in sheer desperation, to see if anyone has ever experienced this before. I find it hard to believe we are the only customers this has happened to, as Bt suggest….can anyone help?????

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Message 4 of 24

Re: BT openreach shambles - no internet for 5th month

The Executive Level Team are at the top of the tree. Other Customer Service teams including this forum's moderation team can not intervene once they are involved.

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Message 5 of 24

Re: BT openreach shambles - no internet for 5th month

In that case we basically have no hope of resolution…..shocking and devastating in equal measure 

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Message 6 of 24

Re: BT openreach shambles - no internet for 5th month

If the Executive level team can't resolve the problem there is clearly far more to this story than is being posted here.

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Message 7 of 24

Re: BT openreach shambles - no internet for 5th month

 To clarify….They can indeed resolve, but want to charge us thousands of pounds to do so, when it was their mistake that has caused this situation 

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Message 8 of 24

Deadlock - last resort

Has anyone taken their complaint either to their local MP or to the press? Not sure which to approach first…. 

Running out of options now as BT are unable (read unwilling) to fix their mess and reinstate my internet 

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Message 9 of 24

Re: BT openreach shambles - no internet for 5th month

Thank you David, yes shocking nothing has changed in that time…in fact it is actually much worse now. Previously Bt were actually pretending to make an effort to resolve. Now have simply washed their hands of us and are due to issue deadlock letter….again. I am not sure why the need to contact us on Saturday to simply repeat the same message over and over 🤯
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Message 10 of 24

Re: Deadlock - last resort

So, reading between the lines , you had FTTC ( fibre to the cabinet ) and somehow your connection was mistakenly removed ( presumably someone else benefited from this and now has FTTC ) and it’s not possible to reconnect you to FTTC as there are no available (spare) ports in the FTTC cabinet.
Perhaps you could clarify what you mean by BT promised to give you ‘fibre’ at their own expense, as OR ( not BT ) supply ‘fibre’ , and if by fibre you mean FTTP ( fibre to the premises) , then it’s difficult to see how BT could realistically promise it , BT don’t offer FTTPod, ( where a Openreach build a bespoke FTTP network to a particular address ) and OR decide where and when areas get upgraded to ‘native’ FTTP , so BT would have no way of prioritising your address to get ‘regular’ FTTP with OR….,
If BT said they would do something ( whatever that may have been ) and now won’t , what exactly is the ‘£1000’s’ for ?
If it’s just FTTC not available, ( because there are no spare ports ) have you been offered exchange based ADSL2 as a stop gap ?, if you had FTTC there is always the possibility that a port will become spare through normal ‘churn’ .
If the issue isn’t the one I’ve presumed , perhaps you could provide more details, although ultimately, if your issue is already at the highest complaint level , and you are dissatisfied with what they have suggested there isn’t anything that the readers of this customer to customer forum could offer as a way forward