Message 1 of 4

Broadband slowed to a crawl and BT seem to think my connection is "Fast"....

Hi there all,

New signup here as I am confused as hell!

Ok so my FTTC broadband has dropped to a snail pace (~13Mbps down, 15 up) and so I ran a BT speed test - comes back at about 12Mbps, which it says, "No problems that's Fast"...... Clearly not.

Previous hub logs give me:

21:19:51, 14 Apr. ( 111.280000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=13090Kbps, Up Rate=15000Kbps; SNR Margin Down=27.7dB, Up=6.9dB

01:03:06, 13 Apr. (77724.960000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=14881Kbps, Up Rate=14993Kbps; SNR Margin Down=17.3dB, Up=6.0dB

00:49:22, 13 Apr. (76900.780000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=41773Kbps, Up Rate=14993Kbps; SNR Margin Down=6.2dB, Up=9.9dB

00:17:44, 13 Apr. (75002.710000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=59995Kbps, Up Rate=14993Kbps; SNR Margin Down=9.7dB, Up=12.3dB

So you can see my connection is degrading. Engineer booked, but who knows if that will happen when planned.

Worse still, given MyBT reminded me how much I'm paying each month, I decided to check what other options I have.  It's now offering me the "unbeatable" offer of 11-13Mb for £67.99!! So is that just using my last speed test to judge my guaranteed speed? 

Anyone else had anything like this? Thoughts?




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Message 2 of 4

Re: Broadband slowed to a crawl and BT seem to think my connection is "Fast"....

I suspect you may have joined the "New Firmware Club" See 

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade home hub 2 - Page 3 - BT Community

You can check your firmware version by browsing to and clicking on the Status button in the top left hand corner 

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Broadband slowed to a crawl and BT seem to think my connection is "Fast"....


Thanks for the idea, though I don't think that's it.  I think I'm on a different hub, as there is no status button there but the bottom of the screen has:

BT Home Hub 5 (Type A) | Software version | Last updated 25/02/19

Which suggests no updates for a while!

All rather bemusing.




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Message 4 of 4

Re: Broadband slowed to a crawl and BT seem to think my connection is "Fast"....

Do you have a landline phone connected ?, if you do , and are connected in the master socket test port, dial 17070 and take the quiet line test …listen , any noise ? ( crackling etc ), chances are you have a line fault that is causing your speed to reduce, get the line fault repaired, speed restores.
Obviously  if you don’t have a landline phone ( preferably a corded phone as cordless phones can mask noise issues ) then you cannot do this simple self check…when you reported the issue presumably your provider said their line test indicated a line fault , otherwise they would have given you the warning about potential charges if there isn’t a fault on Openreach network

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