Openreach have been working around our village and were hung past my house last week.
When and who should I contact regarding getting it into my house and connected. I ask because I do not have a clue.
I spoke to My BT customer service and they couldn't say and were no help at all!
Could anyone give me a clue as to who is best to contact...and possibly a rough idea of how long after the wires/cables are in the street before maybe it could be possible to get myself connected?
Thank you in advance for anything I can learn from you.
It could be weeks of months because the actual fibre cabling is only part of the work that needs completing the upgrade. You'll be notified by BT and Openreach when it's ready.
As has already been said, the cables are only one small part of a much bigger project so it could be many months before it is RFS, (Ready for Service). You could try looking at the following:
Just keep checking here until you see FTTP available then place your order. I would add I was able to order in about 2 weeks after the cables were added to the poles