Message 1 of 6

Full Fibre

Hi all I have a question about the full fibre. We just got this installed today as we had fibre to the cabinet previously.

So we now have Halo 3 and Full Fibre 900 as of today and I know the speeds can vary and can take up to 10 days to settle down.
BT sent me this out previously.
We predict you'll get the following speeds:
Your estimated download speed: 900Mbps
Your estimated upload speed: 110Mbps
Your Stay Fast download speed: 700Mbps

At the moment we are seeing approx 42-48Mbps Download & 38-51Mbps Upload.
Which is pretty rubbish. Will this get faster? (It Better)

My other question is I have a BT Disc in our extension as the signal was rubbish  if you were in there with the phone or tablet etc. (as it has to go through external brick walls and is upstairs but the router is downstairs next to the box)
BT want this back and I have tried turning it off and it's rubbish again in there.
Is there anyway I can go about getting one to stop the dead spot in the house? 

Any help would be great.


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Message 2 of 6

Re: Full Fibre


Speed tests must be carried out using a fast computer connected via a direct Ethernet cable to the home hub. You will not get fast speeds over wireless.

There is no settling down period, that only applies to FTTC.


Message 3 of 6

Re: Full Fibre

Unfortunately the disc does not come as part of the Halo add on.

If you do not return the disc you may be charged £30 for it. It might be worth it to you just to pay the £30 and keep the disc.

If you don't want to do that you could "upgrade" to Halo+ which does offer the discs.

Message 4 of 6

Re: Full Fibre

Thanks Keith.

I was only going by what the Openreach Engineer told my wife and by the BT website regarding the 10 days.

My Home computer is connected via the BT ethernet plugs. Not sure if that limits them but it's pretty similar with this and also wifi.

I understand the wifi will be slower but that's pretty shocking speeds for the download even over wifi.


Still have the issue with the disc being turned off though in the extension.

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Full Fibre

Sorry Keith neve noticed you other reply.
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Message 6 of 6

Re: Full Fibre

Any speed test using a device connected to the router via ‘power-line’ adapters is as useful as a test using WiFi in determining the actual speed , it’s not useful at all.

As stated , there is no 10 day stabilisation period , you should get the speed you pay from the start , but if you need confirmation of this , you need to be using a device capable of Gb speed , connected directly to the router with an appropriately rated Ethernet cable (  not all Ethernet cables are created equally ) , the chances are that your apparently poor speed is down to the equipment you are using.

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