Hi mate,
I know this is an old post but just thought I’d share my recent experience.
I have been on Fibre 2 for around 30 months (6 months into a new 24month contract) paying £29.99pm and getting a download speed of 66-73mbps
I randomly browsed the site after looking at my bill. In the ‘your products’ section it has a ‘your offers’ tab, I clicked it and seen I had an upgrade offer to Full Fibre 100 getting 150mbps for no extra charge, free installation & same price I have been paying.
for the same price it’s quite a big speed jump which I’m made up with.
I was confused after ordering the upgrade as I received an installation date and that the engineer would need to drill a hole in the wall to get the cable in.
This suggests the Full Fibre 100 is provided via a different cable than the previous Fibre 2. I can only assume
1) It’s sent via a Fibre Optic cable, or
2) That Fibre Optic has recently been laid in my area, or
3) That Fibre 1 & 2 are provided via an old copper cable
I dont know whether the free upgrade is due to me being a returning customer when signing a new contract or if Fibre Optic will replace the old cables. Either way, more than doubling my speed for the same price was a no brainer.
Fibre to the cab , FTTC and fibre to the premises FTTP can both deliver 40,55,80Mb , only FTTP can deliver faster speeds ( ignoring Gfast ) , BT differentiate calling FTTP ‘full fibre’ .
Years ago , Virgin called their hybrid fibre/copper broadband ‘fibre’ , so others using a similar fibre/hybrid system used the same term to advertise their FTTC products , and TBH , if someone was sold 40 Mb ( for example ) and obtained that speed , does it matter if it’s FTTC or FTTP ?.
Now that FTTP is becoming commonplace, full fibre or similar is the term to look for FTTP , and if both are available FTTP is the default network, even if 40Mb is ordered.