Was the check for your property done by telephone number or address?
I'm also assuming the black box you refer to is a CBT such as below (right hand side of the pole). Does the CBT have any ports taken up, e.g does the Neighbour who has an active FTTP service have their connection from this CBT?
Check done by phone number.
I'll check the CBT plugs and status tomorrow, thanks for the info.
Thanks, are you able to do the check for your property by address please rather than phone number and post back the results.
No problem, address search here. removed details but left cabinet details etc
Fibre enabled address
Non fibre address
Thanks for reply, yes, semi rural and a few poles between these houses.
I have these on the poles outside the property. CBT is further down.
In that image are two anti creep devices and a TM type node , that’s not to say there isn’t also a CBT also on the pole it’s just not shown on the image
Many thanks, it seems only one image came through. This is different to the ones with rounded tops and is right outside the property? or is it just the same