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Message 1 of 7

What is going on?

Hi everyone,

Have come here to tap in the wealth of knowledge.

Upgraded to full fibre June 2022,BT 100 Halo with hybrid connect after lot of problems with disconnections with FTTC with the promise that all that would go away.

Problems have increased,when it works it’s great, speeds nearing 150 solid and good.

Disconnection problems haven’t improved however and the last 10 days it has escalated to a new level.

Hybrid connect has been on almost constantly,fault reported.Openreach arrived checked everything in house,all good.The engineer,a lovely girl said the fault was affecting 12 properties close to us and the big boys were on it.

Left it and waited,text from BT saying fault found,a faulty cable on the line which would be replaced.Two days later another text after Smarthub finally returned to blue saying fault fixed.

All good for 3 hours then lagging and disconnections from network started again although hub light remained solid blue,fault reported again.

Bt diagnostics automated BOT informed that a fault on our network has been discovered and Openreach would be despatched again.

They arrived without warning yesterday saw the same engineer 2 doors down in the neighbours front garden and watched for a bit,she was going back and forth to the pole.

Popped down and she informed that the original fault was fixed in 10 of the 12 houses just our two remained.The next bit really threw me,she said their wasn’t enough power going through our line as we both had a connection to the same line,if she couldn’t fix it it would be escalated to a special team to work backwards from the cabinet instead of forwards.

Had to rush off quickly intending to speak to her later but when I arrived home she had left,spoke to the neighbour who said she couldn’t repair and said the connection was going up and down like a yo-yo.

My reason for being shocked is that I thought with full fibre you had your own line dedicated to your house which eliminates interference etc or am  I wrong.

I wish I had asked her more specifically about the connection but didn’t have time.










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Message 2 of 7

Re: What is going on?

Full fibre is entirely different to copper distribution.

There is a single fibre feeding your distribution point that is split between up to 30 customers.


Message 3 of 7

Re: What is going on?

@licquorice,thanks for that,explains everything.Ok just got to wait for the latest update on what they find,if anything.

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 7

Re: What is going on?

@hammerjeff67 post back to keep us updated on the engineer's progress.


0 Ratings
Message 5 of 7

Re: What is going on?

Hi Neil,

Well another Openreach engineer today,nice guy worked exclusively in the house.Rechecked the modem again despite us saying it had already been checked by the girl engineer who said it was fine.Blew his top when he saw it. Apparently the original engineer had placed it too close to the floor and showed me that all the wires connected were sort of pushed in but bent and manipulated to squeeze into the gap between modem and floor.He repositioned the modem higher up and connected all the wires again,said that would help with disconnections.Tested the speeds and said that they were already back up to 150mb download and 30 upload.He then turned his attention to the Smarthub 2,entered advanced settings,and said he’d moved all devices to 2.4ghz band as our walls were too thick,personally didn’t agree but didn’t argue.Checked speeds again and they had dropped apparently quite drastically in the 15 mins so went to his van to get his tester Smarthub 2,plugged it in waited for half an hour,gave him a cup of tea and he then rang BT,gave a Broadband ID and asked them to do a speed test.Results came back 150/30.With BT still on the line swapped for our router gave ourbroadband ID and asked for another test.BTs response was they couldn’t see the router to test,don’t know what that means.He concluded that the router was dodgy,asked BT to send out another replacement,4th in 3 years by the way so we will wait and see.

As a side note he did say that BT need to up their game as the Smarthub 2 is so old hat and in desperate need of an upgrade.



0 Ratings
Message 6 of 7

Re: What is going on?

Sounds like you need to get your own newer WIfi 6 router 🙂
0 Ratings
Message 7 of 7

Re: What is going on?

Maybe something to investigate,thanks.

Keep thinking about why BT couldn’t see the router their end,does that automatically mean that the router is probably faulty or could it be something else like a problem with our Broadband ID,clutching at straws really.


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