Message 1 of 18

Advice re complaint sorting please


Any advice would be gratefully appreciated as  I honestly don't know the way forward.

I'll be 75yrs in a few weeks and incredibly anxious calling BT after my previous experience in 2023, where I agreed to a new 24mth B/B and phone package.

(Briefly I had to speak to them every day for 5 days after receiving 4 different higher priced package confirmations via email and eventual paper copies, none of which reflected the initial agreed price.
Because of all their mistakes, on 27 February 2023 I was upgraded to FIBRE 2 by BT's Valuations Dept as 'compensation' along with being credited £48 on 3 March 2023).

This year on 27 February, that Broadband/phone package was due to run out.

On 11 February I phoned  for  and accepted,  a   broadband only package -  explaining my circumstances and paying for a landline phone was both unaffordable and worrying if useless re digital voice and the possibility of being unable to access emergency services if there was an outage.

I asked and was assured that my new package would start on 27 February, meaning I would still have my landline phone connected until then.
I was also given 'Free' paper bills, rather than paying the £3 I usually pay.
I've had no paper notification of this package, just a pre-package email on 11 Feb which mentioned nothing about the free paper bills and referring to Fibre 1, instead of Fibre 2.

On 13 February, my phone was disconnected - two weeks before the due date. No notification of them doing that, and against what was agreed over the phone.

I emailed a complaint on 16 February to BT about disconnecting my home phone 2 weeks before the due start date of 27 Feb.
I asked them to please reconnect my landline immediately and highlighted I was a vulnerable person living alone as they'd logged down on 11 February when I first called.
I also asked surely I've paid in advance for that B/B and phone package until 27 Feb?
Also mentioned  the  free paper bills from now onwards instead of paying £3 as I usually do.

On 21 Feb I received a 'we're looking into your complaint' email with a reference number.

On 26 Feb I received 'Sorry I haven't been able to get in touch with you. Since we've not been able to speak about your complaint, I've now closed it'.

Somewhat ironic that they can't contact me as they disconnected my landline phone.
I stupidly thought after my email highlighting my circumstances, my previous anxiety dealings with them in 2023 - I expected a 'human' email not a generic email.

(BTW I don't have a smartphone, just a dumb(?) Dorio mobile, PAYG, bought for emergencies outside the house - which of course I've had to up the credit as it's my lifeline phone now, and only family and friends have that number).

This morning, full of anxiety talking to BT, I spoke to someone (couldn't catch his name) who wasn't understanding the circumstances of my call and disagreed with my Fibre package (he said I was on Fibre 1 - not Fibre 2), and kept mentioning my phone was disconnected on 13th Feb, not taking on board it should've been 27th Feb.
I'd referred to my email complaint and asked to speak to someone in 'Complaints' - he said there isn't anyone to speak re complaints.
He spoke so fast and said a word I couldn't catch, so I asked him to spell it a couple of times, which made him cross and I still couldn't get it. It was all a nightmare and I'm ashamed to say I ended up in tears and had to hang up.
It's like being in an abusive controlling relationship and going back for more. I'm petrified of phoning again. If I email complaints again, it's another 10 days waiting.

There's a Code of Practice and Customer Vulnerability, but yet don't  seem to follow it. It's hard to admit to being old, vulnerable and anxious, and it's things like this affects mental health in many ways - and for some it just could be the final straw.

'Customer vulnerability at BT' :

At BT we live by our values – Personal, Simple & Brilliant. We’re committed to treating all our customers fairly, with respect and tailored to individual needs.

We recognise that there’s a range of different factors and life events that means anyone could become vulnerable, whether it’s on long-term, temporary or on an intermittent basis. Vulnerability takes many forms: it could be related to health or personal circumstances, or a life event could occur, such as a bereavement or a relationship break down that could mean additional support is required.

Our focus is always to make sure that our customers get the best possible service and support, especially when they need it the most. Our guides receive regular training and continuous feedback on how best to provide customers with the right support based on individual circumstances'.

Surely I have some redress/recognition/apology?  

Can someone give me any advice what to do please?


As an aside and not important  -

A computerised voice referred to 'EE' and NOT 'BT' and my mobile has 2 messages from EE for 'feedback'.

I also wonder how it works when we phone for a package. Initially we get helpful staff when phoning, then the confirmations received are invariably wrong.
Who inputs the details of our package - the same person we speak with or does another department do that?

Message 2 of 18

Re: Advice re complaint sorting please


Use the link to BT code of practice to progress your complaint

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Message 3 of 18

Re: Advice re complaint sorting please

Thank you for your reply imjolly

Yes, I have that, which is where I picked up the email address from - my thinking being it would be proof in writing rather than something said over the phone.

I phoned today to try and sort it as explained above, but it went belly up. I dread having to ring them back, hoping my call will be answered by someone who actually listens and understands the mistakes that have been made and will 'get on it'.  

I'm not usually a negative by nature, just lacking in confidence dealing with BT through past experiences - plus realising now there are no specific advisors for complaints makes it more of a hill to climb.



Message 4 of 18

Re: Advice re complaint sorting please

There is an email address for consumers to complain so use that as phoning getting nowhere

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Message 5 of 18

Re: Advice re complaint sorting please

Thanks again for your reply imjolly -

I used the given email  ie the   'consumer-resolutions'  one on  16 Feb when I first entered (is that the right word?)  the complaint.


Message 6 of 18

Re: Advice re complaint sorting please

Hi @Doglover1 

Thanks for reaching out to us here for some advice. I'm going to send over a Private Message so we can chat further.


Message 7 of 18

Re: Advice re complaint sorting please

I just have to say that I have a similar ongoing complaint about early disconnection (my phone and broadband service are going back from EE to BT on an BT Essentials package) and the EE/BT Guides I have spoken to about things couldn't have been more polite and helpful.  It's early days of course 😏




Message 8 of 18

Re: Advice re complaint sorting please

Thank you so much for that Linzi, very much appreciated.
How do I reply to your message ?
Message 9 of 18

Re: Advice re complaint sorting please



Pleased to hear that  - hope everything stays good for you!

Message 10 of 18

Re: Advice re complaint sorting please

go to the envelope beside your avatar  at top of forum

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