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Message 1 of 6

BT Sales team process

So i had a chat with the sales team, about upgrading my service. fair to say i am not a expert on the subject and we had some back forth Q&A, which kind of went ok. price wasn't too bad but then i just felt a little overwhelmed.

so i ask if they can just send me the new package deal via mail, email so i can read it over, think about it and make a decision as i was not 100% sure it was right for me, but they refused, they can't do that, why not?

instead they wanted to bloody screen share and attempt to force close a sale, no doubt sucker me into a contract. this is pretty dirty sales tactics here, is this normal practice for BT, i know this is normal from yell.

i'm shopping around now, i may come back to bt, the deal wasn't terrible but i wasn't ready to close it! i need time obsurb the info given to me.


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Message 2 of 6

Re: BT Sales team process

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Message 3 of 6

Re: BT Sales team process

ah, got to learn to search, sorry. i'll give that a read now thank you. i had to deal with yell in the past, i got sucked into a contract, i got out of it! but this was a flash back for me, i ended the call. no way i'll make the same mistake twice!
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Message 4 of 6

Re: BT Sales team process

well i disagree with the replies in the thread,

this is just a means to get fast sales, don't give the customers time to say no, sucker them in fast and get them to sign a binding digital contract. the claim this is effient is **bleep**! just a means to grab money. I think i will shop elsewhere now. first i'm going to complain.

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Message 5 of 6

Re: BT Sales team process


so i ask if they can just send me the new package deal via mail, email so i can read it over, think about it and make a decision as i was not 100% sure it was right for me, but they refused, they can't do that, why not?

Most BT employees don't have access to community email addresses, which means you won't get all info on a DSAR, for compliance reasons they can't send you emails, you were given an offer and never accepted it, that's your choice
ISP's are different to car insurance companies, you're not given a quote to mull over because deals can change daily, what you're offered Monday might be gone a few days later, you do however get a cooling off period of 14 days from when the offer starts, if you change your mind you can revert back.

Message 6 of 6

Re: BT Sales team process

Ok, that is a interesting point, personally i'd want a email and i don't agree deals change daily but ok. I may give them another shot, but i'm getting more informed first as no one should be agreeing or siging deals on the spot!

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