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Message 1 of 4

Changing from Unlimited to 700 minutes.

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I am out of contract with BT but want to change from Unlimited to 700 minutes. Looking at their terms and conditions it appears that I will be starting a new contract  if I go through with it which I don't want just yet. Is this correct?  Their T & C's are very confusing to an old geezer like me, I am 88 and find it hard to follow. My wife passed away two years ago down to Covid and she used the phone a lot but I don't need it now. Also can I get rid of the entertainment TV package which I don't use.With the latest price rises I am trying to save a few bob.

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Changing from Unlimited to 700 minutes.

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Hi, @Trader1 welcome back to the community and thanks for posting. I'm sorry to learn of your wife's passing, calling plans are on a 30-day rolling contract and you can change them at any time, there should be no problem moving to the 700 mins plan if that's more suitable for your needs.

The TV entertainment plan is the basic BT TV subscription, if you're out of contract you can cancel it but you may need to return the BT TV equipment if it was supplied to you after December 2019.

If you speak to the Value team they may be able to offer you a new deal on your broadband package to help save some money. They'll also be able to make the other changes at the same time.


Message 3 of 4

Re: Changing from Unlimited to 700 minutes.

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Neil, thanks for your answer to my question. I had a phone call from BT  this afternoon as they could see that I had been on their website last night. I spoke to a nice Geordie lad who was very helpful. He put me on the 700 minutes phone deal and cancelled my BT tv section. He never mentioned returning any gear that I have from them. It will save me about £20 a month. I asked about the new increases and he told me that I would be liable for them. He baffled me with science about the broad band deal and caught me on the hop as I don't know anything about it. Still, I have got 14 days to peruse it and see if it benefits me. It is saving me a few bob so I will probably go for it. Thanks again for your reply.

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Changing from Unlimited to 700 minutes.

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Hi @Trader1,

Thanks for getting back to us.

It's great to see that we have been able to help you lower your bills, when you called in.

Feel free to post back up if you need any help from my team in the future.
