Message 1 of 7

Fibre Delays


Has anybody else experienced delays with fibre set up?

I ordered Fibre on the 2/10 with a final set up date of the 28/10. Fibre was the only option I could choose for the property.

The initial Openreach engineers visit date didn't happen and since then it's been rolling over day-by-day with an estimated visit date.

I've called BT multiple times and, despite them being very friendly, I get very vague answers as to why there are delays - usually it's "We're still waiting for Openreach to tell us". 

Delays are understandable sometimes but it's not great to be left in the dark. If it's "because part of the road need closing" or "we need a specialist piece of equipment" that's fine - it would just be good to know! Currently in the dark.

I think managing expectation would also be so much better. Rather than advertising 28th as the 'going live' date why not make it a realistic date. That way BT can exceed expectation rather than bring disappointment.

Has anyone else experienced delays recently?


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Message 2 of 7

Re: Fibre Delays


There is possibly an Openreach capacity issue.

Use the address checker on the page below, and post the results, but edit out your address details first.


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Message 3 of 7

Re: Fibre Delays

Hi Keith,

Thanks for your reply! Attached. 


BT Fibre.png

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Fibre Delays

It looks like some survey work needs to be done by Openreach as it says single dwelling unit residential, UG feed not evaluated. UG meaning underground. I think KC12 Assure means that more work, possibly ducting needs to be done. Perhaps someone with more knowledge on this, may be able to help? 

However VDSL is available, so I am surprised you were not offered that.


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Message 5 of 7

Re: Fibre Delays


are you dealing with the FTTP TEAM 0805874787

@Keith_Beddoe  from other posts it seems that if FTTP is available then that is all that is offered 

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Fibre Delays

Hi imjolly,

Thanks for your reply! I'll give the fttp team a call and see what they say.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Fibre Delays

I have what seems to be the same problem.  I placed the order on 10/12/22 and am still waiting for external works.

In short the fibre duct to the property (house/garage end needs to be uncovered (currently covered by resin drive topping and possible paving below) - we can only see the DSL cable end.  Unconfirmed dates for external work (one confirmed) pass us by and we have been kept in the dark.  This work is still outstanding.

Yesterday outreach arrived for final connection.  The guy was aghast that the outside work hadn't been completed. The final connection was expected by today.  He left to try to resolve matters.

We have tried phoning BT via Faults and also Customer Service Complaints.  They are helpful but do not seem to get full information from OutReach or any action.  Are the badly short of staff?  I await another call tomorrow and expect little or no progress - perhaps I will have to chase again.

It is now 7 weeks since the order was placed without progress with external work.  When OutReach are expected there is no phone call or text.  I am still totally in the dark as to the reasons.

From you replies, I note the telephone number for FTTP Team ie 0805874787.  I will try it if Complaints can't progress the order.  Thanks

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