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Message 1 of 9

Kit returned and acknowledged but still demand for £50.

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  • I returned my modem and extender disc in the provided bag at the end of my contract in April.
  • On 24th April I received confirmation that my kit had been received and would be recycled, I deleted the email but still have the SMS.
  • Every two weeks since I get a reminder to return my kit. 
  • I have spoken to some lovely people at BT who promised to help but the system says I only sent back my extender and not my modem which is clearly untrue. 
  • After the last service person promised to help I received an SMS which just said "Your case is now closed".
  • I have just received my Final reminder to pay from the debt recovery unit.
  • Can someone please tell me what I can do about this harassment. I'm prepared to go to court for this, waving my phone with the returns receipt sms.
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Message 2 of 9

Re: Kit returned and acknowledged but still demand for £50.

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I have notified the moderators of the forum about your problem. Once they have read this they may be able to help. They will advise you by posting on this thread.

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Kit returned and acknowledged but still demand for £50.

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Just curious, you had two items to return, did you send  them separately ? , I fairly recently sent back an old router ( change to DV ) and a BTTV box ( don’t have BTTV anymore ) , two return envelopes arrived, I could  have easily put both items in one envelope to return but didn’t , I used both envelopes, thinking the shipping information was likely to be used to confirm receipt rather than the contents of the envelope.

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Message 4 of 9

Re: Kit returned and acknowledged but still demand for £50.

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It was one huge bag so I put both items and the cables into and sealed it. 

I was already with a new provider for a month before this as BT insisted on 30 days notice even though I was at end of contract. I was already using a new eero modem so had the BT equipment ready to go into the bag. 

My acknowledgement of receipt came at 9am on a Sunday morning.

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Message 5 of 9

Re: Kit returned and acknowledged but still demand for £50.

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My point is your receipt potentially was for 1 of 2  items , if you never received 2 ‘bags’ then obviously it’s a reasonable assumption they want you to put both items in it , but if two return bags were received , not using them both could cause issues.
30 days notice is standard policy , and no doubt your new provider will have the same requirement, presumably you are no longer on Openreach as that’s effectively 10-14 days notice ( the lead time to switch is the notice ) if changing provider but staying on Openreach , unless you didn’t use the correct procedures.

If you  did move to Virgin or an Alt Net , it’s them you should be annoyed at for not arranging their connection to coincide with the end of the 30 days , or at least advising you of the need for you to give 30 days notice .

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Message 6 of 9

Re: Kit returned and acknowledged but still demand for £50.

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I was only sent one bag for the return so both items went into it. 

There was no handover from one provider to another. I cancelled my BT contract as it was ending and I contacted Youfibre to provide services. Suprise surprise I was connected to Youfibre on a new cable with 3 days.

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Message 7 of 9

Re: Kit returned and acknowledged but still demand for £50.

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Hi @Gray86b I'll send you a private message so you can get in touch with the moderation team and we'll be happy to help.


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Message 8 of 9

Re: Kit returned and acknowledged but still demand for £50.

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Thanks I'll respond as soon as possible 

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Message 9 of 9

Re: Kit returned and acknowledged but still demand for £50.

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A big thank you to the moderators, specifically Robbie Mac for solving my case. Stress now reduced to normal levels 😁

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