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Message 1 of 3

Re: Account Holder Bereavement

I was also assured that the account had been transferred to my name.  Not just once but during several calls to the bereavement department and online chats.  I am not critical of the individuals who did their best including the call I had to make today, but the system is at fault.  I was still receiving messages addressed to my deceased wife's surname despite repeated efforts to correct the error and relieve my distress.

I am transferring away from BT in a few hours time.  I received a return envelope today for the return of my hub.  Addressed to my dead wife.  Grief involves anger but this final nail in the coffin of my account has broken me.

I hope that any of you that are recently bereaved support me and that those within BT that have the authority to change the system are also able to read this.

For all those who have found themselves upon this tragic journey and all those who follow.

Please BT.  Don't make these hurtful errors again.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Account Holder Bereavement

Hi @HarrisMcPuffin,

Thank you for posting. I was sorry to read about your Wife's passing. I know that this must have been a tough time for you and your family and I'm sorry if BT added to your distress by not handling the bereavement in the right way.

If you send the details, I'll be able to take a look at the account and help put things right. I have sent you a private message with instructions on how to contact the team.  You can access your messages via the envelope icon at the top right of the screen, or click on this link, Private messages



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Message 3 of 3

Re: Account Holder Bereavement

Hello Harris ,

I'm sorry for your loss . I think the insensitivity with your case hasn't been untypical. My father in law died 14 months ago . My mother in law has dementia and a live in carer in the house which still pays the bills . My father in law had every expensive BT sports package going , but we only realised this 14 months later when the court of protection eventually was given  , allowing my wife to access to the bank account . The bereavement call handler was great and said he'd push to get the refund . 6 or 7 calls later , we'd received a further 4 letters addressed to Richard , emails to him that we couldn't access , even further payments being taken . Eventually we were told that the original call handler shouldn't have said that . Even though the account was in Richard's name , BT are still legally entitled to keep taking from the direct debit ( joint account ) that the account was set up with until they are notifioed of the account holder's death . We argued that my mother in law has dementia so couldn't inform them of his death ( even if she could comprehend there was an unwanted service ) and we couldn't see that because we were waiting for court of protection . After being notified of Richard's death , they sent out a letter for the closing of the account " Richard , so sorry to see you go " they couldn't care less .

Eventually after speaking to 4 levels of manager they offered 10 % , then 20% and ending on 50% refund as a " goodwill gesture " , as they had still been " providing a service "  and although we couldn't have known of the issue to inform them 14 months earlier , it was still " 50 % our fault " .

I wonder if they also see the 7 months of money  from a widow with late stage dementia , struggling to pay for her own care , as a "goodwill gesture " on her part for a service she neither uses nor  knows it exists , handed over to a multi million pound corporation .

to typify their handling of the whole affair , they then sent a cheque out , of course  made out to my late father in law . It really has been an eye opener , I certainly would never use BT again , nor will my children .

take care Harris ,


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