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Message 21 of 50

Re: Unable to log into MyBT

I have been unable to access MyBT since yesterday morning and have not had a satisfactory response from BT as to why.

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Message 22 of 50

Re: Unable to log into MyBT

Hmmm, there does seem to be a problem. The three coloured balls keep on bouncing and that's about all.
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Message 23 of 50

Re: I've been locked out of MyBT desktop for over a week for no apparent reason. What can I do?



you're asking why people are desperate to access MyBT? - sorry but that will be a long answer. 

By the way it's day 4  & MyBT is still not working, pages not loading.

For almost 11 years I hardly ever looked into my BT account, except when I needed to look at my bills.

But since the 18th of October, since BT has messed up my transition to Home Essential package I spoke with 8-9 different agents  & each one is telling me different story often contradicting what the previous few agents advised & all of them direct me to some MyBT help pages which dont work.

My landline phone was cut off 7 days ago without warning as I was apparently moved to Digital Voice, again without any warning or explanation, only very recently I had a chance to read up what Digital Voice is as I had not a clue.  That order was subsequently cancelled or not cancelled, not sure - different agents tell me different story & then will be reinstated at some point? - not sure what's going on & am confused.   

But apparently it should ( or not) have been cancelled as it now cannot be reversed to copper lines ( or it can?) all depends on the agent I talk to, as said many contradictions.

The mobile network in the rural area where I live is very weak & often am not able to receive calls or call out from here or on better days or if I can get a better mobile signal day the call will drop off after only 5-15 minutes & people wont be able to hear me nor I them.   As I cannot talk to the agents on my mobile for longer then 15 minutes on a good day before the line drops,  so am not able to ask questions that concerns me & my account, so I need access to MyBT pages.

It's also not helpful that some agents just go into some scripted & irrelevant monologue & dont let me ask questions or if I managed to get a word in their answers are to questions I did not ask.

Meantime I get emails form BT telling me of extra "adds on" I'll be charged monthly yet I supposed to be on all inclusive £20 per month Home Essential package, so no need for any extra adds ons that I have not ordered, not have a need of . I dont know if this now been cancelled or not, as cannot access MyBT pages to check the situation .

Dont let me start about my old BT number that I need to keep but now told & emailed it will be changed to new number  - again that was done without any warning or permission & now trying to get it back which again will take weeks apparently.  At the same time the very first agents I talked to promised I'll keep my old number  "nothing will change" when I was moved to the Home Essential, that again turned out to be not true - it was just what one agent said to me over the phone but the next one contradicted.

I'm an elderly & currently disabled person & I find the whole experience extremely stressful, traumatic & is now affecting my mental health.

Al I wanted was to be be put on lower monthly tariff that I qualify for, which apparently I'm now on,  but later that was again contradicted by some other agents but confirmed by few others - it all depends who I'm talking to at the time & each time it's a totally different person & different story - I'm angry & fed up!

This is a total nightmare, that's why I need access to MyBT to see my bills, contract, my orders, what else was added on to my account without my knowledge or permission ?

PS, is it just me or is this thread was lumped together with 6 other threads ? or is this another tech glitch?

Are there any updates on this problem from the moderators?

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Message 24 of 50

Re: I've been locked out of MyBT desktop for over a week for no apparent reason. What can I do?


Reply to JoDy2:

It looks like a moderator is amalgamating into one all the threads which mention MyBT. Not all of them are wholly about being unable to access MyBT ( for example, your post, which raises serious issues about poor communication by BT employees) so the risk is any other issue raised may get lost among all the other posts.


0 Ratings
Message 25 of 50

Re: I've been locked out of MyBT desktop for over a week for no apparent reason. What can I do?

Reply to JoDy2:

It looks like a moderator is amalgamating into one all the threads which mention MyBT. Not all of them are wholly about being unable to access MyBT ( for example, your post, which raises serious issues about poor communication by BT employees) so the risk is any other issue raised may get lost among all the other posts.


Thanks for your reply, sorry I am a total beginner on these boards, so did not think about that.

I'm happy for my long post to be moved elsewhere by moderator if they wish, as to not distract from the main problem.


0 Ratings
Message 26 of 50

Re: Cannot access MyBT

If its any help it's the first time it's happened to me in 8 years of being with bt

0 Ratings
Message 27 of 50

Re: Can't access my bills on line or through app

Resolved - Had the same problem this morning and changed the password for My BT now able to access bills on line through web page and on BT App on phone. Not sure if this was the solution or if it was just issues with the site/app.
0 Ratings
Message 28 of 50

Re: Can't access my bills on line or through app

Resolved - Had the same problems this morning, changed My BT password and can now access them on both webpage and app. Not sure if it was this that sorted it or if it was down to issues with site/app.
0 Ratings
Message 29 of 50

Re: I've been locked out of MyBT desktop for over a week for no apparent reason. What can I do?

Hi JoDy2

I meant I think someone on the BT board is amalgamating threads and moving posts together (a number of them about not being able to access MyBT were started yesterday) and I'm thinking that your post / thread has been moved here because it mentions a problem with MyBT.

Hopefully one of the moderators at the board sees your post and can flag it for further action.

I was in the same position as yourself last year, was moved over to Digital Voice when I moved to BT Home Essentials and lost my old fashioned landline service as a result. I wasn't happy about it but the move has been largely problem free. I did get to keep my phone number but I know that some people do end up losing their old number. However, unlike yourself I do have an excellent mobile network so have peace of mind of knowing I have a backup phone service if needed.

As I posted, hopefully a moderator (who are all volunteers and not BT employees as far as I know) can flag your post to someone who is a BT employee for a swift resolution.

Message 30 of 50

Re: Can't access my bills on line or through app


That's sound good, but how do you change password without access to your account?

I only use desktop PC, will that work?

Maybe moderators can confirm this will fix things & kindly post a link to how to change password in the MyBT without  access please , keeping in mind that most BT links dont work presently ?

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