I was without services for around 30 days but was informed that they had closed my complaint after a engineer came out and checked to see if it was at my place but realized it was out on the street( around 127 metres ) form my place. I informed them the next day to say i still had no broadband and no phone line so they arranged to send out another modem but still the same problem they then decided to send another engineer out to which i am pleased to say solved the problem they have said that they would credit me with £56 credit but i don't believe this is sufficient for the amount of time i have been without my services
compensation for loss of use of a residential line is a fixed daily amount. If you want compensation for loss of business then you need to have a business line and a better SLA
So, when the fault is finally rectified what happens? Do I have to claim or is it automatic? Will I hear anything? What about people who were affected but not with BT, are they covered?
it’s all very vague.
@MrGrumpyPontefract The compensation paid to BT customers is automatic and you don't have to claim. Check out this link for more info. Automatic compensation.