Message 331 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

There is no paid for service planned.

As per BT's instructions move to iCloud or similar - do you think they would have recommended that if they were going to introduce their own paid for service? 

0 Ratings
Message 332 of 357

Re: BT Cloud - cannot download all data

Or just borrow a laptop and do it in 10 minutes!

0 Ratings
Message 333 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

For the attention of rogerdee

Below is a list of set up and monthly costs emailed to me by BT when I signed my present fibre contract nearly 2 years ago.
As everyone can see, nearly everything is said to be free! They don't appear on bills. So, just what is in the contract we wonder? If BT Cloud can disappear part way through the contract, what else can?
That is why your argument does not impress people.
That is why people are losing trust in BT.

Fibre Essential £6.00

Phone Monthly £0.00

Voicemail service which prevents nuisance calls, sending them to junk mail £0.00

Caller Display £0.00

Divert your calls to another phone £0.00

Broadband Monthly £0.00

BT Cloud £0.00

Alexa Advanced Home Phones £0.00

Smart Hub 2 £0.00

Broadband activation fee £0.00

One off charges £9.99

0 Ratings
Message 334 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

I was told on the phone by a bt employer that it was on the cards. So choose not to believe me if you wish but watch this space.

0 Ratings
Message 335 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

So I was 100% correct - you don't pay for it!

0 Ratings
Message 336 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

I can guarantee you there will not be a paid product by BT within 5 years - I'll let you watch that space as you'll get bored very quickly..

0 Ratings
Message 337 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

Apparently if you believe in them, it could be the fairies who have been paying for my Phone (£0.00), Voicemail service (£0.00), Caller Display (£0.00), Divert your calls to another phone (£0.00), BT Cloud (£0.00), Alexa Advanced Home Phones (£0.00), Smart Hub 2 £0.00, and Broadband activation fee (£0.00).
So, because my phone and its services are also classed as £0.00, can BT remove my phone services like it removed BT Cloud?
If you don't believe the fairies are paying, the only sensible conclusion that makes sense to most of us is that BT use the 'free' ruse to enable them to change things during contracts, either starting to charge for them as they previously did with the 1571 service, or remove them as they have done with BT Cloud, claiming they are not covered by a contract.
This sort of practice damages trust. That is why people are upset.
Message 338 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing


It all depends on how you look at what you get from BT Broadband in comparison as to what you get from another ISPs for the same product at the same price.

If you can find a ISP that offer all of the items that you have with your BT Broadband package for the same money then it would appear that the items are included in your broadband package price and are therefor not free.

If however you can not get an ISP to provide all these items at the same price as your BT Broadband package it could imply that BT are providing them for free addition as part of of your package. 

All the add ons/services have their own Terms and Conditions and are incorporated with your Broadband contract term.


and before you shoot the messenger, I do not use any of the BTBroadband add ons/services, which I have found to be poor products for various reasons so I personally don't have a vested interest in them or what happens to them. 

0 Ratings
Message 339 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

Of course you pay BT for (1571) VOICEMAIL, ANYTIME and broadband services.

Nonsense to say it’s free.
It’s NOT free. You are billed quarterly for all these services plus landline rental. BT have cut out landline rental saver. NOT available.

Message 340 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

I appreciate your line of though. I have been with BT since the 1970s. Most of us, including me, don't get a solicitor to check their considerable lists of legal stuff, or do a check with other ISPs to try and guess which are core services are and which might be removed. Life is too short. Most of us just want a service we can rely on and have a relationship with the provider which includes trust. I did use BT Cloud, did find it very useful, and never thought it would be removed while I am still held to a contract. They have caused me considerable inconvenience and I did not have the time to properly deal with it. My trust in BT is breaking down after about 50 years with them. I sense I am not the only one.