Keep getting a request for a 13-digit pass number when trying to set up the Norton antivirus software.
Had this problem on both android phone and windows desktop.
My BT id is an email address.
I do have three BT accounts under the log in, but only one active one, could this be the problem. If so, had do I get rid of the two dead accounts?
I do have an old Norton account from years ago under the same email address as my BT id, could this be the problem ( I did try setting up Norton under a different email but then got a server error message instead of the request for the 13-digit pass number.
Any help greatly received.
Hi @raytomlinson28, welcome to the forum, and thanks for posting.
It does look like the multiple accounts on your BTID are the cause of this error. I've sent you a Private Message so you can get in touch with the Mod team and we'll be happy to fix this for you.