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Message 1 of 11


I posted a review on Trustpilot and received a reply telling me to go to this site. I recorded some rugby matches and because of injury stoppage the game over run but the recording stopped 5 minutes before the final whistle. Other recorded programmes would not play just flickering. Paused programmes sometimes will not restart. I have only had it about 4 weeks and have lost count of the times I have had to turn the power off to reset.

0 Ratings
Message 2 of 11

Re: Recordings

Hi @Dissatisfied2 

Recordings being cut short are common, partly due to the broadcasters but also because there's no padding option with the BT Boxes. Some suggest recording the following programme to the one you want as well but that's not a solution in my opinion and it ruins the viewing experience.

For your other problems, rather than just powering the box down, try a reset (keep recordings), follow the instructions here. 

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 11

Re: Recordings

  • I figured out that I could record the following program and as you say it’s not ideal but it’s the only solution. I don’t think it’s the broadcaster it was sky and was with them for the last 9 years and recorded about 6 super rugby matches a weekend to watch during the week ( I’m retired ) and never once encountered the problem with them. I think it’s just that BT offer a very poor service. As for resetting every couple of weeks with the risk of losing recordings is not a great solution either. Thank you for your assistance though. Only another 22 months and I can go back to sky or virgin. 😁
0 Ratings
Message 4 of 11

Re: Recordings

As a broadcaster Sky were/are on the ball regarding their sports output in my experience when it comes to keeping recordings going. I don't know about Sky Q but Sky+ had good padding which meant normal programming was nearly always fully recorded.

It is worth trying Maintenance Mode as per the link instructions, select 'keep recordings' and see if that solves your other issues.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 11

Re: Recordings

Hi There @Dissatisfied2 , 

I work in the customer experience team at BT and I would like to investigate this further for you. if you are happy to do so, are you able to message  me directly with the time/date of the program/s you recorded, so i can narrow down my search and try to find the issue.

What this appears to me is that, due to the extra time added to the program, the TV box only recorded during the time the program was scheduled, therefore, once the program reached its scheduled finish time, the recording stopped. but i will look into this further for you. 

Thank you

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 11

Re: Recordings

Hi Alistair S

the last recording was South Africa v New Zealand on Friday 25th. The recording stopped on 77 minutes game time. I watched it live at the time and watched interviews and a cup presentation after the game none of which had been recorded when I checked later.

0 Ratings
Message 7 of 11

Re: Recordings



Thank you for the information, that will be incredibly helpful for me to look into this further and will get back to you with my findings.

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 11

Re: Recordings

Hi There,

Unfortunately, as mentioned before, BT TV utilizes a system called "Accurate Recordings" which adjusts the recording duration if for any reason a program is delayed or over runs etc. However, this feature isn't available for Sky channels, meaning if they over run or there is a delay in the schedule, the recording wont pick his up.

similar, if there is a live event, and the broadcaster doesn't send a signal to update the schedule if the event is over running, this issue could also occur.

In this situation, i would recommend catch up players.

Apologies for any inconvenience this ha caused

Thank you

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 11

Re: Recordings

Hi @Alistair-S 

Is there a process such that sports channels from WBD (ie  TNT Sports  and Eurosport )  on BT TV a boxes use Accurate Recordings or a suitable alternative ?

Padding has been suggested as a fallback for the failings of Accurate recordings for about 10 years on Youview devices yet there has been an unwillingness to implement.  



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Message 10 of 11

Re: Recordings

TNT already use accurate recording on bt tv from experience

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