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Message 51 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

As I have previously posted. As an experiment it took just under 4 minutes from clicking the download button to collecting email. There is no configuration required, accept the defaults offered and enter email address and password is all that ys required.

Rocket science it isn't.

Message 52 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

as @wendylois says, she has the BT app installed on a phone. I would expect that a branded app would be supplied pre-configured with that brand's mail server address, preferred protocol, and port numbers: it would prompt for the user's personal account details like name and password - all to minimise the effort and risk of errors of manual configuration.

But she says that the other words, used in connection with the process on a desktop computer, are unfamiliar to her - and under those circumstances, it is the responsibility of the adviser to find a form of words that enables the listener to understand the concepts being talked about.

When I was giving this sort of advice professionally (I'm retired now), I developed this explanation for the difference between 'downloading' and 'installing' software.

It's like coming home from holiday. You arrive at the station or airport, and everybody (people and luggage) piles into a taxi. The taxi driver takes you home, and leaves the luggage on the garden path. (That's downloading)

Then, you take the suitcases inside, and start unpacking. The dirty clothes go in the laundry basket, the maps and guidebooks go in the bookcase, the souvenirs go on the coffee table, the photographs go on the mantelpiece, and the half-eaten British Rail sandwich goes in the trashcan. (That's installing)

Feel free to use it if you like it.

Message 53 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

Oh for goodness sake, why would you download a program and then not click on the download to install it. Besides, full instructions are always given on the website from which downloads are initiated.

Most, if not all, mail apps/programs automatically retrieve the right server settings from the entered email address, no configuration required.


Message 54 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

Message 55 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

@RichardHaselgrove wrote:


Feel free to use it if you like it.

Thanks for the offer but I will gladly decline. I take it you were getting paid by the hour and wanted to draw things out. A simple download the application and click on the install button would in most cases be sufficient for any person to understand.

0 Ratings
Message 56 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

Lets keep it friendly guys.



Message 57 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

You haven't met the people I've met. Some have downloaded (only) an anti-virus package, but never installed it - and think they're protected.

Message 58 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

@RichardHaselgrove wrote:

You haven't met the people I've met. Some have downloaded (only) an anti-virus package, but never installed it - and think they're protected.

And did your wee story about getting a taxi home help!

0 Ratings
Message 59 of 504

Re: BT Webmail Feedback v2 (post 16th April release)

Yes. It was silly enough to stick in the memory, for the next time they found themselves in a similar situation.

0 Ratings
Message 60 of 504


New email system ok, but does anyone else have the problem of the curser jumping back to the salutation line? What`s the solution? Driving me crazy