Installing a mail client is simplicity in itself, it is not in the slightest bit difficult.
Click one button to download, click another to install, enter email address and password. Job done.
Have you never installed anything on a PC?
@licquorice I believe this has been already covered in one of the previous threads (there have been so many :-(). The reluctance not to use a free mail client was the concern about data being gathered about the user. I have no idea whether that is right or wrong. That aside, for whatever reason there appears to be plenty of us who wish to use the BT web mail facility and all the bugs and their resolution should have been better managed by BT.
If you are concerned about data collection, don't use the internet full stop.
@allanraymondwrote:You wrote "I can, fear of what can go wrong, inexperience with computers/emails and if it does go wrong, how to revert to back to where you were to begin with."To answer your question, if things did go wrong (such as with EMClient) no harm would be done since my emails still reside on BT Web Mail.
You see, you know that! A novice may not, they may think that all their emaisl were then diverted to the email client, and once delivered, then deleted from the WebMail. Far too much 'assumption' is made on simply throwing out suggestions to folk who like I once was, know pretty little!
@Stephen5000 wrote:
You wrote "I can, fear of what can go wrong, inexperience with computers/emails and if it does go wrong, how to revert to back to where you were to begin with."To answer your question, if things did go wrong (such as with EMClient) no harm would be done since my emails still reside on BT Web Mail.You see, you know that! A novice may not, they may think that all their emaisl were then diverted to the email client, and once delivered, then deleted from the WebMail. Far too much 'assumption' is made on simply throwing out suggestions to folk who like I once was, know pretty little!
If you do not know something or are unsure about how something works do you just decide never to use it, class it as the demons work or should you ask questions in an attempt to learn more?
People come on here seeking answers to problems and are frequently given advice or suggestions. If they are not sure about it they can surely ask more questions until they are confident enough to do as suggested.
A prime example is this thread.
Re: BTMAIL sign-in conundrums. - BT Community
@andydenyer wrote:
@licquorice I use Outlook, but I also like to check via BT Webmail what emails have either gone straight to spam or have been filtered and sent to a special folder I have set up for review (usually for email addresses ending in gmail etc., as I do receive a few genuine emails from those domains as well as spam) before downloading anything to Outlook.
If you have your Outlook set up as an IMAP account you should be able to check your BT spam folder in Outlook. Your "special" folder should also be showing in Outlook. There would be no need to log onto webmail to do that as all your folders will be synchronised with BT webmail.
If however you have set Outlook as a POP3 account then your spam and "special" folder along with all the other folders in webmail will not show in your Outlook as POP3 does not synchronise with webmail. It only downloads your Inbox emails.