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Message 141 of 952

Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

Hi, I am having a problem with the new BT email. When drafting replies to emails I look at the keyboard as I type, and I frequently find when I look up at the screen that my cursor has jumped back to the start of what I am typing, so what I am typing now is appearing in front of the beginning of my message. So I have to keep checking that my text is appearing as a continuum. If my cursor has moved back to the start I find my new text is also appearing in a different font, so I can't just cut and paste it to the end of the message, I have to delete it, move my cursor to the end of the message, and re-type the mis-placed text. This is very annoying and wastes a lot of time. 

I am using Windows 10 and MS Edge and both are fully up to date. 

BTW another problem is that on emails I receive the text often wraps in the wrong place, and in mid-word.

Do other have these problems, and is there a simple fix?

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Message 142 of 952

Re: Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

Hi @MrMole and welcome.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'll feed this back into our developers and as soon as I get an answer I'll post back.



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Message 143 of 952

Re: Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

I have exactly the same two problems - very annoying!

I take it BT developers don't believe in testing? It's so boring and why bother when the user community can do that for you anyway!

Who are your software contractors? At one time BT and the Post Office were the same organisation. Maybe you have kept your old relationships going? This software certainly has that Fujitsu feel of "quality" about it!

Message 144 of 952

Re: Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

Please note that, as above, I have the same problem. (Cursor jumping and font changing) When I rang BT the call handler said he knew nothing about this yet clearly this very frustrating problem is affecting alot of people.
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Message 145 of 952

Re: Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

Hi David,

I am also having this same issue when typing mid sentence, the cursor jumping back to the start of my email. I'm on a Mac running Mac OS Ventura, 13.6.3 and Safari version 17.2.1.

Also, I'm experiencing an issue with line spacing. When I type a new paragraph, they are there, but when I then send my email and look back at a copy in the 'sent' folder, all paragraph spacing is gone. I've done a test to a hotmail address and the spacing is there on the sent version, but the formatting is lost in the 'sent' folder.



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Message 146 of 952

Re: Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

Hi @LisaT1 and thanks for your post.

I'm sorry you're also having problems with the email. We're aware of the issues you've mentioned and these are being investigated by our developers.



Message 147 of 952

Re: Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

@DavidM The text wrapping/screen rendering problem has been reported before, so it should have been sent to the email team already.

I've discovered an extra problem though - if a mail contains a table, its rows can be overwritten by standard text, for example:


If you click Reply or Forward, the table is displayed perfectly and the text wrapping has been corrected, without words being split over two lines.

I'm not keen on pretending to forward a mail just so I can read it comfortably though. 




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Message 148 of 952

Re: Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

Thanks for this @PeterE17 . I'll pass that on now.



0 Ratings
Message 149 of 952

Where has the search box gone? OK found it! But it doesn't work like it used to.

The recent change to the appearance of my BT pages -- coloured squares and Next and Previous emails etc -- none of which is any use or was requested -- has seemingly caused the removal of the search box, where I could enter a name or a subject and it would come up with a list of emails from that person  (if I'm searching the Inbox) or on that subject. How do I search my boxes now? Why do I need to be doing this? Shouldn't BT be telling me about all the new and exciting things they are giving me (without my asking for them).

Sorry, It had moved to the left and a bit higher. But it doesn't work like it used to. I used to be able to find anything from a person if I typed a few letters from the name, now it depends on how the name appears in my Inbox. It's too hard to explain. Can somebody go and kill BT, please?

Message 150 of 952

Re: Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

It’s absolutely pathetic that you as a organisation launch an update to a perfectly well system without trailing it first, same thing happened at the post office and look what happened there, who are these IT people who did this, your clearly don’t hire the best people for the job, like I’ve said previously BT obviously want to get rid of their email service and are not bothered if the loose customers, I’ve been with BT for 22 years