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Message 161 of 952

Re: BT Webmail Feedback

Click on your username/email address in the top right corner.

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Message 162 of 952

Re: BT Webmail Feedback

Still cannot print out an email using my iPad and iPhone . Have used the More drop down on top bar and arrow drop down on email but it is still not loading the preview.

I have had to forward the email to my wife’s email at Yahoo or use my laptop.

This is not always a good solution.

0 Ratings
Message 163 of 952

Re: BT Webmail Feedback


I have borrowed an iPad to see if I can replicate what your problem is and I have to say that the BTMail interface on the iPad is absolutely dire when using the "Desktop Version"

I have also the same problem with it printing or rather not printing and showing the pop up box "Please wait for the preview window to open"

It is also not possible to change the view from the email preview icon to anything other than the preset one.

When I changed to the "Mobile Version" it is not quite as bad, although pretty close but I was unable to find the print option let alone print the selected email.

I have informed the moderators regarding this so that they can pass it onto the BT email team and hopefully they will be able to sort the problem promptly. 

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Message 164 of 952

Re: BT Webmail Feedback

So in the past 2/3 days my wife email switched over to the newer version, mine is thanksfully still on the old system. She didn't tell me that things had changed for the worse and to be fair to her she seems to be relatively ok with it. Thankfully mine is still on the older system, if I had been exposed to this myself i would have been here sooner..

The thing is I've checked it now on my phone ( Moto G7) and on my laptop that runs Win10 and there are a number of issues in my view.

1. The ability to get more than a few emails on screen and see the bottom panel info could be greatly improved if the spacing being used in each line was reduced. It's almost useless on my phone as the text does not all fit unless in hozontal mode. 

2. I cannot believe that BT is accepting of this, in my view, monumental cockup. I could be more damning and as an ex devoloper for BT in my work days and later a manager of off shore teams i would have not allowed this through QA in a month of sundays.

3. The screens on a Pc are a bit more usuable but even then it does show how much white space has been simply wasted above and below the the text. 

I'm guessing this will all be a fait accompli in the end but the sad fact is that this does not seem it has been through any design or quality control.

PS forgot to mention that the whole thing is very slow too

Message 165 of 952

Re: BT Webmail Feedback

Thanks . Glad to know it just wasn’t me

0 Ratings
Message 166 of 952

Re: Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

Yes same problem experienced, cursor returns to beginning of draft message for no apparent reason.

Also messages no longer sent when 'Send' button is clicked, they sit in Drafts until Drafts is opened then they go immediately. 

0 Ratings
Message 167 of 952

Re: Problems with the New BT email when drafting replies to emails

With this number of comments all expressing the same problems, i.e.

* short term freezes

* cursor popping to the top left and corner for no reason

* poor performance / slow

* send not working reliably

* ,.,,,

Maybe some at BT will latch on and get something done about it. Ideally revert to the previous release until this one's issues are resolved


0 Ratings
Message 168 of 952

BT Webmail Feedback - Fonts and design questions

Hi again,

I've been using the new look email for 2 days now and have some further feedback to pass on to your design team. 

It's incredibly difficult (in Safari on my Mac at least) to tell the difference between read and unread emails - the bold is only very, very fractionally different to the regular font. Is it possible to revise this? 

Also, the whole thing looks like it was designed in around 1998! I appreciate simplicity, but this is going a bit too far and really doesn't make for an enjoyable experience. Was any UX work done, as it's very clunky and also, as others have mentioned, very slow to load emails. 



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Message 169 of 952

Re: BT Webmail Feedback

The white text space is a huge design flaw as you say a monumental **bleep**-up. Worse of all you can edit text box indents, alignment, etc but no option for line spacing.
Infantile mistake.
0 Ratings
Message 170 of 952

Re: BT Webmail Feedback


For information, the line spacing when composing an email – the gap between lines when composing does not show once the message is sent.

When replying to a message, the font size changes if you click line 2 and 3. The work around for this is to press return to get to line 2/3 then start to compose your email. 

BT are apparently aware of these problems and are working on a fix.

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