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Message 1 of 141

Email disconnections have returned

Hi @Lch , @PaulieDDT,  @Stephen5000 , @Froggy_Lady  @Sue036  @Bert4545  @MNarshall @Ultraviolet13 

I've locked the previous thread about this as it was getting messy with off topic posts. Can you guys post here for any ongoing issues with ther disconnects. We've reported this and wil update here when we get anything.



140 REPLIES 140
Message 2 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

OK, I'll go first. For the last 4 days, I haven't been kicked off once, from several BT email addresses, all logged in all day! I'm just wondering, do BT email addresses use different servers depending on geographical location, or do they all get processed by the same black box?

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Thanks for the post @Stephen5000 .

I'll ask that question. In the meantime can you all let me know if clearing cookies and cache or using a different browser or private session resolves he issue. If you haven't tried that can you give it a go and let me know.

Also, can you all reply with the OS and browser versions you're using.



0 Ratings
Message 4 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

In my case, I only cleared cookies with the mention of, 'BT' in them. Used my standard browser of FireFox v115.4.0

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Thanks for that @Stephen5000 , I'll pass it back.

As to the question about different servers the answer is 'Users are sent to the same webmail server for a period based on a browser cookie. They can safely switch webmail servers though without effecting service. '



0 Ratings
Message 6 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned


Thanks for that @Stephen5000, I'll pass it back.

As to the question about different servers the answer is 'Users are sent to the same webmail server for a period based on a browser cookie. They can safely switch webmail servers though without effecting service. '

Interesting response. So in theory, with my WebMail currently working, if I now cleared my cookies, I could then be diverted to a server that had the fault... 🤔

0 Ratings
Message 7 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

I'll ask that for you @Stephen5000 



Message 8 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Hi @Stephen5000 ,

The reply I've received is we're investigating all possibilities and haven't located any specfic server issues.



0 Ratings
Message 9 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

A new thread, but sadly not a new issue. This problem has been reported dozens of times recently & yet it continues.

After a brief period of keeping my account logged in - I'd removed BT cookies, shutdown BT Hub for 30 minutes before restarting it to get a new IP address - which did seem to work - I'm back to being logged out 3 or 4 times a day, even though I dutifully tick the "Keep Me Signed In" box every time.

For reference I'll add the link I posted last time, if others would like to see if removing the BT cookies helps them fix the logout problem: 

This should give you the information you need to find & remove the BT specific cookies rather than deleting ALL cookies, which has been previously suggested.  

For Chrome, my main browser, the site shows how to manage cookies from individual sites &/or time periods - a much more targeted approach than just "deleting all cookies". 

I'm going to try this approach again later tonight myself - when I can get away with turning the BT HUB off for half an hour. 

Suggested process:
1) Use the site to learn how to find & delete the specific cookies on your device, for your specific browser. (The one you're using to access BT Email)

2) Once the cookies have been deleted, shutdown the device you're using to access BT Email - and constantly being logged out of.

3) Now power off your BT Hub - or the 3rd party HUB you use to connect to BT Internet 

4) Leave both your device (used for email) and the HUB powered off for at least 30 minutes.

5) Power up the HUB, after 30 minutes - it should now have been allocated a new IP address from BT

6) Once the HUB is fully up & running, power on your device (laptop, PC - used for email)

7) Log back in to BT Email on that device. Note: any other BT accounts (billing etc.) will also require a fresh login

The idea is that any previous links to BT Email will have been cleared & you now have a fresh IP address & newly generated BT cookies, which should at least remove those components from the logout problem.

As I said I will go through this process later tonight & will let you know if it helps with the logouts.

Anyone else trying this out please also report back here, letting other folks know if it's helped at all.

For reference I'm using a HP Pavilion laptop, running Windows 11 Home ver. 22H2 and the most recent version of the Chrome browser to access my BT Email.

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Followed my own suggested (possible) fix instructions to the letter and just got logged out again. 🙄

If anyone has had better luck, please let us know.

Any other ideas would also be appreciated - or even better a permanent fix from BT 😅


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