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Message 31 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned


I have deleted your other post about this to save duplication.

0 Ratings
Message 32 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned


I was dismayed to find I was still being logged out five or more times a day - despite using your previous infallible system of deleting cookies.  Emails are literally a lifeline for me at the moment and the extra frustration of having to sign in multiple times daily is driving me to distraction.

I'm using Firefox on Windows 11 which has served me well for over a year.  Even the moderators seem in the dark about the problem.  It's all broken promises. 

We need an uprising - or maybe a protest march!

Message 33 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

After a brief respite when I first raised this issue with BT, I am now getting regularly disconnected from my BT email. This has started happening again over the past 2-3 weeks and is occurring every day varying from a couple of times, to 4 or 5 times a day.  OS is Windows 11 and browser used is Google.  There seems to be no regularity to the disconnections and can happen whether I have the page open and logged in or not.

0 Ratings
Message 34 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

I have had the same problem for some time and posted the following message on another thread on 4 October this year:

"Ever since the login change, my email page no longer keeps me signed in as it used to. Although I tick the box "keep me signed in" I get logged out if I am inactive for a fairly short time. Before the change, I could go for days without having to log in again.

Has something changed...or can I set the period for which I want to remain signed in for in the absence of any activity?"

I thought I'd reply to your message in order to add my name to the growing numbers of BT email users who are having this problem.

0 Ratings
Message 35 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned


Unfortunately, I don't think it matters whether it's one person, 101 or 1,001 complaining.  BT technicians seem to be on a go-slow.  This recurring problem has gone on for too long and they're dragging their heels over fixing it.  Meanwhile, their customers are suffering - and paying for the privilege.

Moderators - have you got any update for us?

0 Ratings
Message 36 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

@DavidM -  I will echo @Froggy_Lady 's question; are there any updates yet from the email backend team? It's been 16 days since this particular thread started, is there really nothing to tell us yet? There's also a newish thread with comments from a new set of posters -


0 Ratings
Message 37 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

I must confess that at stages I was heavily effected by this issue, sometimes being kicked off 4 or 5 times in an hour. But, in the last few days I've been able to log in all day. It's obviously a fault which doesn't effect everyone which I suppose makes it difficult to track down.

I know how frustrating it is being kicked off when composing mid sentence, I look forward to getting further feedback from folk that the fault has gone away for them...

0 Ratings
Message 38 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Agree with your comments in last paragraph. I never stay logged in to sites or store my p/words on a browser for security reasons.
0 Ratings
Message 39 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Agree with your comments in last paragraph. I never stay logged in to sites or store my p/words on a browser for security reasons.

I agree with not storing email password in a browser, but have no idea what 'security' issues there are on staying logged in. I'm logged in from 8am to 10pm daily, for 30+ years. 

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Message 40 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

An 'open' login to a site can be hacked. This is why banks etc always log you out very quickly.