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Message 61 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

@wossip wrote:


These are the most important thing I do online.

In which case, why on earth are you using webmail instead of a proper mail client such as the free Thunderbird or EmClient which are dedicated programs for handling email. No need to change provider, just change the way you access email.

Message 62 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Because I don't know how to. I am almost 84 and unable to adapt to much of to-day's technology.

0 Ratings
Message 63 of 107

Re: New BT Email format


Because I don't know how to. I am almost 84 and unable to adapt to much of to-day's technology.

I can totally empathise with that, 'tech' far from improving many aspects of life, has often put barriers in the way of ordinary folk using it.

I have been a rather recent convert to 'Thunderbird', an 'email client'. It has made my email life so much easier and I rarely post on this forum now at faults on WebMail as I now so rarely use it! This is the kind of thing that would be ideally suited to a 'bob-a-job' week task as youngsters seem to have no barriers at all to anything technical!

Years ago, it would have involved much faffing around to install and get Thunderbird up & running, however, now, it really is very straightforward.

You need to download the actual program, and install it on your computer.

(Change the language before install on the above screen to English (British))

Once installed, you simply open it, need to enter your email address, and password, thereafter, Thunderbird will handle all your email needs. It would be useful though if you could see it running on somebody else's computer just to give you a flavour of what it does, I have no idea if that's possible.

If you were my neighbour, I'd have no hesitation in popping round and helping you. I do hope you're fortunate enough to ask for help from someone local if you need it. Best of luck, oh my mum is 86 and she can't even use a mobile phone, so you're already miles ahead!

Message 64 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I read about it - not much storage capacity, I read.
Otherwise, it sounds fine.
0 Ratings
Message 65 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I read about it - not much storage capacity, I read.
Otherwise, it sounds fine.

Storage capacity is about 4Gb. I personally have over 100,000 emails dating back 30+ years LOL How many emails are you using?? 😂

0 Ratings
Message 66 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Hello all

Could we possibly return to the posted question that started this thread all the way back in mid Feb 2024, namly the fact that the cursor keeps jumping back to the start when you are writing emails.

This happens very frequently for myself and, I assume, for other users as well and it is INTENSELY annoying. It is now early June 2024. I appreciate that BT is a large concern that can't turn on a dime and that IT fixes take time but, please, it has now been nearly four months now since the original report was made and this particular problem is causing severe difficulty for  BT's users, all of whom are paying a pretty penny each month for their email "service".  Presumably, BT 's email team is well resourced. So, may I ask, are reported errors like this one prioritised? If so, could this particular one please be bumped up the Get It Done list.

Thank you.


Message 67 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I totally agree!
In the MANY years I have used BT, I have never had this problem until a few months ago.
No-one there is bothered.
0 Ratings
Message 68 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Hi Woissip

Yes, it is exactly the same for me.

It all started when BT migrated to their new email platform or whatever it is called. Fair enough, I understand that BT have to provide a secure IT environment to run their email but, for goodness sake, you would think that they had tested the functionality of the new platform first before migrating to it. This error is a pretty fundamental one  and it is hampering me from writing emails. It's ironic because , in typing here,  I have realised that there is absolutely no problem with the cursor jumping yet the email interface is a disaster, which seems to be getting worse and worse. I literally can't type more than about two words before the cursor jumps back to the start.

Please BT, can you prioritise this fix.  


0 Ratings
Message 69 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I also agree absolutely with @orbis37 . 
BT are aware of this fault but unlikely to prioritise fixing it because many people are ok about using a third-party mail client to paper over the cracks.   
I also believe BT customers should get a fully functional product for their money but why should they spend their money to fix it when customers will accept the malfunction?  

Message 70 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Agreed, I get the same drives me mad. We pay good money for the services they provide, but they are not willing to fix our problem because there are some customers willing to use a 3rd party email system. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO I DONT WANT TO