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Message 1 of 15

Re: Email account

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Hi RobbieMac

I've arrived here through desperation at not being able to log in to my email.  I was beginning to think that maybe it was because I use an older desktop with an older windows programme (OK I know I should update it but it works well for what I need although the mouse freezes occasionally but all my other internet pages are working as they should).  I can now see from the posts here that it's most likely a BT problem and not my PC.

I've been having weekly problems for over 12 months logging into email.  I only use BT email and I use the same login details for both MyBT and email.  Most times when I log in to the email from the email link on the BT header bar it works but sometimes it loads the log into email page, I log in but it loads the MyBT account page.  I log out and do other things on the internet for 30 minutes or so, go back to BT and try the email link again and it loads my email. I had the problem when logging in to email on Tuesday but eventually 30 minutes or so later it logged in to email, I sorted the emails and logged out.

I attempted to log in on Wednesday, clicked on the email link on the BT header, it loads the email log in page, I enter my log in details, click sign in, it tries to connect for a few seconds and then reloads the email log in page, removing my entered details.  If I click on the MyBT link from the header it loads the MyBT log in page, I enter my details and it takes me to MyBT so no problem there.  I have noticed that one community member to respond has said that they have been able to access their mail through the link you have given.  It is still the same today (Thursday)

I can confirm that the email link you have given is the link I am using and I have tried to log in with that and I get exactly the same problem from your link as I do from my own link.  It doesn't give me any error message, it just reloads the log in page. I've tried signing in as usual, also tried clicking 'keep me signed in' and that's the same, it just reloads the email log in page.

I do hope that a solution can be found as soon as possible as there are other web pages that I need to deal with that require information from mails to my email address.

As the saying goes 'technology great innit when it works, when it doesn't it's a pain in the proverbial.'

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Message 2 of 15

Re: Email account

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I have moved you onto your own thread rather than hijacking another thread. This will allow you to get answers to your problem and avoid confusion with the other posters thread that you posted on.

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Message 3 of 15

Re: Email account

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Have you tried clearing your web browser's history and cookies?

Have you tried a different browser?

Try using this link


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Message 4 of 15

Re: Email account

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Thank you for moving my post.
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Message 5 of 15

Re: Email account

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Many thanks for the advice. I thought I had cleared all the info but maybe not as I've tried it again and used the link that you have given and I'm in, I have my emails. Thank you again I'm most grateful for your help and advice. Much appreciated.
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Message 6 of 15

Re: Email account

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I had problems with logging into my email as well. I don't know if you know that they are changing the way you login to email. You need to have separate credentials for logging in to MyBT and email. You can keep the same credentials for logging in to MyBT but you will have to have a different email address for logging in to email, or vice versa. You could use different credentials for logging in to MyBt and keep your original credentials for logging in to your email.

I did this but it still did not work until I got the link from RobbieMac and used that.  I used that link and was able to access both MyBT and email. Then I discarded RobbieMac's link and was able to log in as normal. Sometimes I get logged in to email instead of MyBT but can still access email from the MyBT header so it's not 100% perfect but I can access both. I use Opera browser and have separate tabs for MyBT and Email and use it's built in password manager.



Message 7 of 15

Re: Email account

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Sorry for the late reply @Redlollipop 

I didn't get the tag notification so only seeing this now.  Really glad @gg30340 got you sorted 🙂

All the best,


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Message 8 of 15

Re: Email account

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Thank you for your reply. I thought I had sorted it yesterday. Today I tried to log in to email using the email link and it loaded MyBT again. I logged out and tried to log in to email again, failed, it reloaded the email log in page. The link given in the replies to my original message is the one I'm using, the same one I have always used. Have tried deleting history/cookies again, still no luck. I'll try again next week. I only have one email address and one password and use those for both email and MyBT. I've checked the instructions and unless I've misunderstood I can still use that for both using whichever link I need to access, is that correct. After clicking 'sign in' the loading info gets to 'strong.authsec' and reloads the log in page. Uncertain now if it's the website or my PC.
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Message 9 of 15

Re: Email account

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Thank you for the info. Since the previous change I've only been able to access email or MyBT from the header link. If I attempt to move from one to the other whilst logged in I have to log in to the other page. Unfortunately I only have one email address, one password and one brower. After deleteing history/cookies yesterday it worked but it's failed again today.
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Message 10 of 15

Re: Email account

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Hi @Redlollipop is your web browser up to date? What happens if you enter into the address bar, can you sign into BT email?



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