WebMail loading and access has been sloooooow since New Year. Is this a BT problem or my Chrome browser causing it? No problem with broadband speed or other websites with Chrome.
Just removed all cookies associated with BT. Made no difference. Still slow to load inbox or sent items and so on. Slow to open email messages too. This is WebMail. BT emails arrive and send with no problem through Gmail on Android phone.
Have you tried using a different browser maybe Edge
BT Web Mail, OK up to 2FA password. Web Mail then loads at an excruciatingly slow pace, on Firefox. OK, on MS Edge.
WebMail was slow just earlier, (1 hour ago).
Seems to have recovered now.
If using Edge....Clear browsing history for, say, last 24 hours. Then try again.
Like you it seems to have recovered today. No delay at all now. Still using Chrome. Perhaps Chrome tweaked something or BT did.
Dreadfully slow on Edge and Chrome today, page just took 1 minute 35 seconds to load! Its been very patchy the last few days but this is ridiculous