Message 1 of 7

Alexa without BT wifi

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My BT hub itself is too far away from where the phone jack itself is. So it wont see the home hub WIFI.


This used to work just fine with the conventional analog phone because I have an extension jack from the BT box to my phone - I don't use the BT wifi. I am in a really old house. How do I use this new silly phone? (Lets for a minute imagine I have issues with wifi hackers but I have no issues with DECT hackers and radiation or other.) Basically I have disabled wifi on the home hub, and use it as a passthrough router and have my own infrastructure, because the BT point is inconvenient, and far away from where we spend most of our lives. How do I get Alexa to connect to wifi infrastructure of my own , looks like alexa only wants to use the BT WPS which is not going to give a good signal most of the time? 

I am pretty much in this boat with this old thread https://community.bt.com/t5/Home-phone-including-Digital/Connecting-Digital-Voice-adapter-without-us... Far too many radios doing nothing useful 99% of the time, any workarounds?

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Alexa without BT wifi

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Alexa without BT wifi

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reading the FAQ will help you

however as has been repeated numerous times the new DV phones connect to the hub by DECT not wifi so turning the hub wifi off will have no effect on the phone connecting to the hub

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Alexa without BT wifi

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Digital Voice phones don't use WiFi, they are DECT

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Alexa without BT wifi

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Ah. I had suspected it uses DECT - wow a phone with 2 modems. 

In which case it's worth a shot. I just did not want to have yet another device to debug behind my firewall. Will give it a shot and re-activate the wifi just to verify it can be made to work. Glad I have a Sunday afternoon to fiddle a bit, thank for the hints all.



OK I have the old hub https://www.bt.com/help/broadband/learn-about-broadband/different-types-of-bt-hub

The 1st one - so I take it this hub is not compatible with the alexa I got sent this week, as my hub has not got a DECT radio. That may , perhaps explain why it failed to pair, ah well, a support ticket it is to help me work out what I got wrong 🙂 LOL.

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Alexa without BT wifi

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Hi @Conradb Digital voice will only work with the Smart Hub 2. I'm sorry, one is normally provided as part of the digital voice order if we haven't provided one previously.

I'll send you a private message so you can get in touch with the moderation team and we'll be happy to help.



Message 7 of 7

Re: Alexa without BT wifi

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Turns out my hub is already compatible. It just looked similar to the old hub. If you have a green port in the back, it's the new hub. I got it paired...

Basically I was not pushing the button at the correct time and for the correct 2 seconds and then release.

You want to have the phone in one hand and then push for exactly 2 seconds and no more, no less.

One more happy customer.