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Message 1 of 6

Caller display on digital not working since battery backup installed

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We have had full fibre and  digital voice for about 18 months with caller display working exactly as it should. Then we had a major power cut (transformer in the field opposite blew) and after having to drive two miles to get sufficient mobile signal to report it, decided to get the battery backup which came with an additional dv handset which we set up in the kitchen - so now we have our old pre digital phone plugged into the router, a wifi BT Advanced DV handset which came with the full fibre installation and a wifi BT basic DV handset which came with the battery backups.   At the same time we took advantage of a renewal offer and upgraded from ff150 to ff500.  Since then  everything works perfectly except caller display which now just says "Incoming Call No Caller Info", any ideas how to fix?

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Caller display on digital not working since battery backup installed

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Caller display on digital not working since battery backup installed

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You need to enable it again, via the digital voice options within MyBT.

Its not enabled by default, on new provisions and regrades.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Caller display on digital not working since battery backup installed

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It appears to already be active ... I placed an "order" regardless, removing it - also had to change something else for it to accept the order. Waiting for that to be complete, then I'll place a new order changing back to the defaults.  Fingers crossed.

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Caller display on digital not working since battery backup installed

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Weirdly (to me anyway) that seems to have worked.  It's fairly difficult to find where to do it, and I couldn't find it in the MyBT app at all.  Logging in on line, if you go to Landline/Digital Voice there are no relevant options, but under Landline, lower down the page is a Calling features and Security link, following that you find another link to changing call features where you can select and deselect various options.  It states anything selected is already active, which is clearly a lie because Caller display was selected.  I changed that to "No thanks" , then also had to select something else (free of course) for it to accept the order.  

I waited a few minutes then checked order tracking where in about 5 minutes it said the order was complete.  Then I re-ordered caller display (which was already selected!) and changed the other thing back.  5 minutes later, caller display is now working.

Why don't they tell you when you upgrade/reconfigure that certain things have to be readded?

So, does anyone know, was it the upgrade to ff500 or adding the battery backup and additional handset that caused the issue?

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Caller display on digital not working since battery backup installed

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No, its just the fact that you changed your package. Its processed as a totally new order, so everything gets reset to a default state. Its all processed robotically, its needs a change of state for it to be fixed, as you have discovered.

It was the PSTN network, if it did not work, you had to cancel it, then order it again.

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