Message 1 of 62

Can't Connect

Had BT in old home. Told it was "full fibre" but think it was FTTC.

BT originally told me they would connect at new home on 11/01/2024,  but after nearly 2 months waiting,  without landline or broadband, evnetually a BT OpenReach Engineer fitted new line and socket ealier this week.

Seemingly now do have full fibre (FTTP?).  Box on wall like this

 new socket 2.jpeg


It is sompletely different from old box in old home, which had sockets to connect phone and adsl wires ( like those shown below.   

phone cable.jpgadsl.jpg

The new BT OpenReach Wall box in new home does NOT use phone and adsl wires like those above.  It uses ethernet to connect to BTSmart Hub 2 (the old one I was told to take from old house to reuse in new home).  A second ethernet was required to connect hub to pc - NB BT did not supply this essential second ethernet cable but luckily I found an old one of my own to use.

So Broadband was finally connected ... but Landline / Digital Voice was still not!  BT blamed me for setting it up wrong several times over several days via email - then eventually admitted that it was not properly set up their end.  Now supposed to be (with temporary landline number) but my phones still say   "Cannot Make or Receive Calls"

I think this is because my old BT Essentials Digital Home phones ... like this one ...

Essentials phone.jpg

are not compatible with new set up?

Also only one worked - the other crackled during calls - (also lost /misplaced cradle during house move.  Have requested a new one but not sent!

BT keep insisting that I plug in to the back of the Hub - but I cannot do this!  As anyone who knows the phone would realise, the phone connects to the cradle /  battery - and then the cradle plugs into the electric wall socket - but there is no socket to connect phone or adsl wire to hub or adaptor.

Been asking for new phones, but BT refuse and insist my old phones will work!  I am also told I only need one phone and that is all that their Terms and Conditions say I am entitled to!

The most they will do is send me one DV Adaptor - but I see that you need to plug one of the phone wires (shown above) into the Adaptor so that will not work.  

Pre BT Fibre installation at my old home I had decent answerphone and 2 handsets that I had purchased myself previuosy - but BT told me they would not work with new system and that I coudl only use the new DV phones they were sendin gme - so I gave the old phones and answering maching to Charity Shop.  Now existing BT DV phones wil not work and BT will not send me phones that do work with the sockets / system I now have.

What do I do now? 

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Message 2 of 62

Re: Can't Connect

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Message 3 of 62

Re: Can't Connect

Thanks for the link to the FAQ Post, but unfortunately it does not help me. 

The most relevant part, I think , is the following,

If it really thought necessary to use corded phones in existing extension wiring, this can be achieved if broadband service is via FTTP (Full Fibre to the home) by simply disconnecting the incoming wires from the master socket and connecting the green socket on the hub to any of the phone sockets with a cord consisting of a phone plug at each end.

BUT there is NO "phone" or "adsl" socket on my BTOpenReach Wall Box,  There is an ethernet socket, a power socket, a tiny on off button and a green socket of a type I have never seen before - see below.  It is attached to the wire that comes in from outside and connects to the BTOpenReach Box on wall.

green thing3.jpg 

As well as there NOT being a phone or adsl connection on the BTOpenReach Wall thing -  there is no "phone" or "dsl" socket on the telephones supplied - although there is one phone and one adsl socket on the back of my Hub - see below.

Hub Back.jpg

So- I still have no landline service or equipment to allow me to connect to it when BT finally get it working.

Good Advice Very Much Needed Please! 

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Message 4 of 62

Re: Can't Connect

the phone pick is an extension phone but you need to connect the base unit to the green socket on the back of the hub using the same cable as was used to connect existing base to the old style master socket

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Message 5 of 62

Re: Can't Connect

If I'm reading it right you had DV previously & are now using the same SH2 & same DV phone as previously? If so it should just work. Log onto the SH2 at & check that DV is actually provisioned. I don't have it but I think it should show your phone number in blue. If it says not provisioned then yours is one of many that hasn't been properly configured & you need to report that.

If you have changed either phone or SH2 then they will need to be re-paired.

Shame you were fed BS previously about your DECT phones not working with DV...

Message 6 of 62

Re: Can't Connect

Hi Jolly - Ta for info - but as previously explained - this CANNOT be done.

I do not have a "base unit". The phone BT have supplied me with has no socket to connect to anything other than the battery cradle!

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Message 7 of 62

Re: Can't Connect

Can you tell me which phone I shoudl ask BT for, please?  If the one I have is only an extension phone.  They never sent any other type for my old connection at old home - and have so far refused to send mew phone for this new home . new connection and are insisting that I use the old one and insisting it will work with new system - and ignoring me when I tel lthem it will not.

I do see images of a telephone that has a sort of console attached to the side of the cradle - but I do not have one of those.  

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 62

Re: Can't Connect

if you go to hub manager the select your phone number then you should be able to pair your phone to the SH2 which acts as a phone base unit.  it connects using DECT not wifi. no cables are needed to connect phone and all you need is small charging unit to charge phone


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Message 9 of 62

Re: Can't Connect

screen sho 2.jpg


Thanks to all for replies 🙂

Seems I might need a "Hybrid Connect"?  My home is going to be looking like some old BT warehouse with all the equipmentand connections etc.  At the moment I liked my old system better!

YES - it is also possible / probable that BT has STILL not connected my Digital Voice Service.

BT did give me BS about my old phones (answering Machine and 2 phones I coudl pluc into any electrical socket) not working - had a lot of BS from BT and feel like a Human Guinea Pig  for thier new system - and hate the arrogant way they deal with me and tell me black is white etc - then it turns out that what they were telling me was wring after all!

And they have still been charging me for service since they cut off old phones mid January to now!

I doubt that this is the end of this - so I will prbably be back - see you again later 🙂

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 62

Re: Can't Connect

You don't need Hybrid Connect, you just need someone at BT to understand that your service still isn't fully provisioned. as confirmed in your screen shot.

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