Hello everyone,
I have switched my mum over to bt home essentials. I rung her careline to inform them that she would be switching to digital voice and they have said they are not yet ready and would have to disconnected her .I have read that it could go in to the hub in to the green hole under the sticker is this correct??
Plugging the careline unit into the ATA port (green phone port on back of smart hub 2) may work but depends on the unit and alarm receiving centre along with how it copes with failed signalling paths and retries.
The careline provider should have access to the Digital Services Test Lab where they can test their units against a variety of providers digital voice phone services.
It is however recommended by the tech enabled care industry association for the careline providers to upgrade the units to a digital equivalent that fully utilizes Internet based protocol and has the necessary fallbacks such as using the mobile network if needed.