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Message 1 of 15

Confusion between BT and EE services, charges, bills

I have recently bought a new, cordless,  BT phone (Advanced) and around the same time switched from my previous mobile provider to EE. It has not been as straightforward as I expected, I am getting confused between the two, not helped by the Help phone number being the same, 150. I would welcome advice regarding distinguishing between them, with regard to such matters as services, charges and bills. One example concerns TEXT messaging, sending and receiving. Previously, I could only receive / send messages  on my mobile phone (and linked PC apps) but now it could be either. They of course have different phone numbers and I refer to one as my Home Phone (or Landline), and the other as my Mobile Phone. But I receive calls and messages 'at home', on both. How else can I tell them apart, and what are the advantages / disadvantages (eg cost) of using one phone rather than the other, when either could be used? I hope this makes some sense! 

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Message 2 of 15

Re: Confusion between BT and EE services, charges, bills

Assuming you are with BT for broadband/home phone? Calling 150 from a BT phone will get you through to BT, calling 150 from EE mobile gets you to EE.
You’d be billed separately if you have services from BT in addition to your mobile with EE.
Regarding the advantages of one over the other, usually with mobile plans you’ll get unlimited mins whereas on your landline you’re normally paying an extra amount per month for a calling plan.
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Message 3 of 15

Re: Confusion between BT and EE services, charges, bills

@clayto  It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Mobile and landline are totally separate. For billing etc, BT and EE are separate companies. The handsets are totally different, so not sure how you can mistake one for another.

As already stated on your other thread, text messages are not supported on Digital Voice so you cannot be receiving texts on your landline.

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Message 4 of 15

Re: Confusion between BT and EE services, charges, bills

I am not confused about the physical handsets (obviously) but about their usage such as Messaging. I am told I do not have the messaging function on my Advanced phone, yet it has a 'screen' saying Text Messages, and a MENUE with WRITE MESSAGE, INBOX. DRAFTS, SENT FOLDER TEMPLATES, SETTINGS -- using which I have tried to send a short test message to myself at my Mobile number, but so far only get 'failed'.  Please explain this!

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Message 5 of 15

Re: Confusion between BT and EE services, charges, bills

The phone can do texts if you have a phone service that offers that. The phone service you have does not offer that however going by the folders that you have mentioned they would appear to be for email not texts.

Message 6 of 15

Re: Confusion between BT and EE services, charges, bills

@clayto wrote:

 I am told I do not have the messaging function on my Advanced phone, yet it has a 'screen' saying Text Messages, and a MENUE with WRITE MESSAGE, INBOX. DRAFTS, SENT FOLDER TEMPLATES, SETTINGS -- using which I have tried to send a short test message to myself at my Mobile number, but so far only get 'failed'.  Please explain this!

No, you were told that the Digital Voice service does not support text messaging, the fact that your handset does is irrelevant if the service you have doesn't. My television has Netflix but I can't use it as I don't have a subscription. Not all facilities are available to all devices.

Message 7 of 15

Re: Confusion between BT and EE services, charges, bills

Update. I have also tried sending a message to my Advanced phone from my Mobile, which has not arrived. It does not make sense to me for the phone to have all the menu items for Messaging but it is unable to use them!

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Message 8 of 15

Re: Confusion between BT and EE services, charges, bills

And it seem I can not not get Messaging on my phone despite the MENU titled TEXT MESSAGES, and the USER GUIDE which came with it having 2 pages describing how to use it! So can I get EMAILS then? It all seems very odd to me. 

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Message 9 of 15

Re: Confusion between BT and EE services, charges, bills

Call into your local BT/EE shop and ask them to explain the ins and outs of the phones to you as it appears that you do not read or understand the explanations that you have been given by forum members. 

Message 10 of 15

Re: Confusion between BT and EE services, charges, bills

Seriously, which part of the service you have doesn't support every function of your multifunction handset is it that you don't understand? Or are you just trolling?