Message 1 of 4

Digital Voice Batteries.

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I have had the digital voice set up with two hand sets for some two years now with no faults, i now have " Your Battery is low. So my question is, which batteries do i need, can i purchase replacements from BT or else where please ?.

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Digital Voice Batteries.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Digital Voice Batteries.

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Assuming you mean you need to replace batteries in the BT Essentials Digital Voice handset?

See user manual here: https://www.bt.com/help/user-guides/phones/digital-voice/essential-digital-home-phone

Based on which type (A or B) 

Type A: use AAA Ni-MH 800mAh rechargeable batteries

Type B: use AAA Ni-MH 850mAh rechargeable batteries


If you have the BT Advanced Digital Voice handset then please see that user manual instead: https://www.bt.com/help/user-guides/phones/digital-voice/bt-advanced-digital-home-phone

For Advanced Digital Voice handset: AAA Ni-MH 800mAh rechargeable batteries

Message 4 of 4

Re: Digital Voice Batteries.

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Thanks, but no answer to my question there.


Hi starship,

Thanks for the post and welcome to the Community.

This is an automated response as I can see you have a question about BT’s Digital Voice service. Rather than waiting for a response from the Community, you may find an answer to your question by using the search bar on the Community homepage. We also have a thread that contains a wealth of info related to BT’s Digital Voice, click this link to take a look, Digital Voice FAQs.

To learn more about the nationwide change to this Internet based voice service visit landlinesgo.digital

If you have already looked for the answer to your question and have not found anything that can help, then please ignore this message. One of our Community members will be along shortly to help you further.

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