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Message 11 of 22

Re: Lied to by BT staff, and when i complain , they close complaint without doing a thing

I found that the leaflet sent to me by BT before they migrated me to Digital Voice, made it quite clear that I could plug any sort of phone into the green socket on the SH2. It also made it clear that if the SH2 was in an inconvenient place, I could get (and did get) a free DV adapter that effectively gave me a phone socket anywhere that I could plug the adapter into an electricity socket.
BT has a number of failings, but information on the changeover to DV doesn't seem to be one of them!
Message 12 of 22

Re: Lied to by BT staff, and when i complain , they close complaint without doing a thing

thank you for that, i did not know but will look into that tomorrow, i was just told, fibre was the best, they would supply phones so did not need old ones and that it would do away with all the old sockets that you have around the house, it seems like as soon as they got you signed up then they have no time for you, make you feel like a second class customer,,
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Message 13 of 22

Re: Lied to by BT staff, and when i complain , they close complaint without doing a thing

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Message 14 of 22

Re: Lied to by BT staff, and when i complain , they close complaint without doing a thing

If i moderator can get in touch with me i would be grateful as i am being given the run around by bt complaints
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Message 15 of 22

Re: Lied to by BT staff, and when i complain , they close complaint without doing a thing

In my opinion one of the worst decisions BT made recently was giving ‘free’ equipment to customers to use when they were migrated to DV ( presumably something they now realise was a poor idea as they don’t do it anymore ) this gesture probably earned no good will , and created an ongoing ‘maintenance’ issue going forward.
I dare say the OP is a reasonable example of the ‘entitlement’ this gesture of providing free equipment was always going to lead to , they had their own equipment that would have worked with DV , if that equipment failed , as it was their own equipment,  they would replace it themselves, but as they were given free equipment by BT , if that free equipment fails ,( often it’s just the batteries ) they don’t replace it themselves, they expect a free replacement of the free equipment, and complain if the replacement is not dispatched in a timescale to their liking.

All avoidable, no other CP provided  telephones in this way , and as far as I can tell , haven’t suffered any consequence as a result , 

Message 16 of 22

Re: Lied to by BT staff, and when i complain , they close complaint without doing a thing

Hi @Redders01 and thanks for bringing this to my attention.

I'm realy sorry to hear you're unhappy at the way your complaint has been handled. I'll be happy to take a look at this for you. Please check your inbox for my message and drop me over the details.




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Message 17 of 22

Re: Lied to by BT staff, and when i complain , they close complaint without doing a thing

Hi Dave i have tried 3 times to reply to you but it will not allow mw to send message as keeps saying Html has been changed,,,,
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Message 18 of 22

Re: Lied to by BT staff, and when i complain , they close complaint without doing a thing

Sorry for any issues there @Redders01 

Can you copy and paste your message into note book and then copy from there into your reply? It sounds like the message is picking up some coding from where you're copying the initial text.



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Message 19 of 22

Re: Lied to by BT staff, and when i complain , they close complaint without doing a thing


If it's like when detecting HTML in a post, the warning actually clears the HTML & you can then send while the warning is displayed.

Message 20 of 22

Re: Lied to by BT staff, and when i complain , they close complaint without doing a thing

Yes, keeping it simpler (now no longer giving the free phones) is probably going to be best. When I am moved to DV I hope just to plug the two landlines into the back of the new modems. Luckily I don't use a landline with a battery in it, no screen, nothing - just a phone so battery issues never arise and the phones can last decades.
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