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My own landline number phoned me on my landline and now line is engaged
OK this is going to sound confusing but bear with me.
I was converted to digital voice about 3 weeks ago.
I have a BT synergy Dect phone with answer machine and three further synergy handsets.
I connected via a digital voice adapter.
all has worked correctly until today.
I heard my landline ring but I was outside and didn’t get to phone fast enough it appears both my answer machine and voicemail kicked in, as my base station showed one message, however there was no message left.
on picking up the handset I have a broken tone but it’s the engaged tone not the waiting voicemail tone.
I cannot ring out on my landline, however can receive a call on it. I tried with my mobile.
on checking the display on my handset to see who rang me it was actually my own landline number. So somehow my landline called my landline and is now holding on to the line .
I’ve reset the hub I’ve also turned my phone off and back on by unplugging the master base station, but still get the engaged one preventing me from phoning out.
the diagnostics bit tells me there is no issue.
any ideas other than trying to find a way of speaking to a human being
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Re: My own landline number phoned me on my landline and now line is engaged
Thanks for the post and welcome to the Community.
This is an automated response as I can see you have a question about BT’s Digital Voice service. Rather than waiting for a response from the Community, you may find an answer to your question by using the search bar on the Community homepage. We also have a thread that contains a wealth of info related to BT’s Digital Voice, click this link to take a look, Digital Voice FAQs.
Got some questions or want to learn more about BT’s Digital Voice rollout? BT are running localised events as part of the regional rollout of Digital Voice - Click here to view the Digital Voice events
To learn more about the nationwide change to this Internet based voice service visit landlinesgo.digital
If you have already looked for the answer to your question and have not found anything that can help, then please ignore this message. One of our Community members will be along shortly to help you further.
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Re: My own landline number phoned me on my landline and now line is engaged
It’s usual for scammers to ‘spoof’ the number they are calling from to disguise the country they are in, they can spoof any phone number they want , and change this spoofed number at will after each scam call if that’s their choice , it’s seems to be relatively common that the number they spoof is the same number they are calling , presumably they figure if that scam call attempt goes unanswered , and the recipient uses 1471 later to check the number of the last incoming call they had , they will be advised that the number that called them was their own number , and they will probably not realise it was a scam and just write it off as one of those odd things …..it may be that , may be something else.
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Re: My own landline number phoned me on my landline and now line is engaged
Still got the issue of my line being engaged and unable to ring out though . I’m in chat with someone niwv
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Re: My own landline number phoned me on my landline and now line is engaged
Another scammer trick is to hold the line , stopping the called person making an outgoing call , however if you hang up ,even if caller doesn’t , there is a function invoked , ‘called party clear’ where the system times out the incoming call and force clears it , allowing the called party to use their ‘line’ again ….if the person who made the call either inadvertently or deliberately try’s to hold the line , stopping outgoing calls being made this happens automatically provided the called party hangs up …the time this called party clear kicks in was reduced a few years ago , so if it’s more than 10 mins , then chances are this hasn’t happened .
if there is some other issue that isn’t the caller deliberately not clearing down the call , power cycling may well sort issues this out .
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Re: My own landline number phoned me on my landline and now line is engaged
All sorted now. I spoke on line with a technical guide.
reset hub remotely and reset digital adapter remotely neither cleared the problem.
However I have an old corded phone which I tried plugging into the adapter, still had engaged tone but plugging into the hub directly I was able to get a dial tone and dial out using this. But connecting my DECT phone this way was still giving me an engaged tone and no dial out.
I re plugged the corded phone into the hub , dialled 1571 , the voicemail was from BT reminding me I’ve been transferred to digital voice and to set up my smart hub, even though I’ve already done this.
I deleted that message and lo and behold my DECT phone was then working correctly whether connected to hub or to the adapter.
Still a mystery, maybe more so as it appears it’s a call from BT and not a scam call that mirrored my landline number 🤔