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Message 1 of 5

Phone line keeps cutting out and working now and again


I’m writing on here about my aunts landline phone.

Last June she started having problems with her landline phone.

After a while she has her phone cut out and then it will start working again.

She is unable to speak or hear the other person when she is on the phone it says Please hold the line and then she then goes back on the phone.

She has had different openreach engineers out looking at her line.

But what happens is that they come to her flat look at the phone line then after five minutes they say there’s nothing wrong with the line and leave.

This has happened three times since she has had this fault.

I have even tried helping her I bought a phone filter to try to fix her phone.

She has lost confidence in her phone.

As other people phone in and cant get her on the phone.

They give up and they are texting her instead which she has to respond back with a text as she is hard of hearing. It means she has to use a special phone that has a button on the side to amplify the voice on the phone from the other person.

She is getting upset that her phone don’t work properly.

She is under the hospital and needs her phone line for hospital appointments and if the hospital need to speak to her as she has had a cochlear implant fitted recently.

Is there a way for her to have her phone line looked at again or would it be worth getting her to switch to digital voice using her own phone. As I know that BT are in the process of switching everyone over to this.

I have tried helping her but she worries about this phone as it is the main way she communicates to the world.

I  think an engineer who is more experienced to look at this fault of the phone cutting out as she needs her phone.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Phone line keeps cutting out and working now and again

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Phone line keeps cutting out and working now and again

You are not alone…

Since being evicted from BT and being unknowingly moved to EE and getting all EE kit we have had several occasions (over a period of 2 months) when our phone rings and we can’t hear the caller, and the caller can’t hear us. Our VOIP phone line was fine with BT kit but not with EE kit.

When the fault occurs we have no dial tone.

It was fixed last time by removing the power lead from the EE Smart Router for a couple of minutes and then putting the power lead back in. If your Aunt doesn’t have a router I don’t know what to suggest.

Until you are aware of how the fault presents itself you think it’s a silent nuisance call.


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Message 4 of 5

Re: Phone line keeps cutting out and working now and again


It would seem that it's the phone itself that's the issue as if Openreach say the line is OK then it probably is and she probably just needs a new replacement phone.

Message 5 of 5

Re: Phone line keeps cutting out and working now and again


your aunt need to have broadband to get digital voice.  as aunt is phone only she will be one of the last to move to digital voice

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