Message 1 of 22

Full fibre install

The engineer from MJ Quin arrived today to install my fibre broadband. He said he couldn't put the router in the living room where I wanted it as he wasn't allowed to drill through walls.  I said he could just run the wire around the skirting boards but he said he couldn't do this.   So if I want fibre, I have to use it wireless.   I wanted to hard wire my work computer in to a router to get a solid connection but apparently I have to do it wirelessly?  He said I could get a WiFi disc but this is still wireless!    Question is,  what's the point of fibre if I can only connect to it by WiFi.  Surely this isn't as fast and stable as wired?  Thanks

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Message 2 of 22

Re: Full fibre install

did you actually get fibre installed?  if so you can always run ethernet cable round skirting boards yourself from ONT to your router

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Message 3 of 22

Re: Full fibre install

The SH2 router has Ethernet sockets that allow wired devices, so there is nothing stopping you using a wired connection FTTP is no different in that regard.
The ONT location has certain prerequisites like needing a power outlet near by , and has a limit of how far away from the point at which the external cable enters the house , presumably you discussed the location of the ONT with the installer, there may have to be some compromise from you on that location, if ( for example ) the cable enters the front of the house and you want the ONT at the rear if that would take hours to complete that internal cabling , or the distance is greater than 10 metres ( I think that’s the length of cabling allowed on a standard install ) the installer may refuse to put the ONT in your preferred location due to time restraints etc, however if you cannot agree , obviously the installation shouldn’t proceed, the installer leaves and sends the job back as incomplete.
If the ONT is installed but isn’t where you ideally would want the router to be sited , then obviously you can provide your own Ethernet cable from the ONT to the preferred router location or if the router and ONT are OK close to each other , you can run an Ethernet cable from the router to the device you would like to be wired rather than wireless.

Message 4 of 22

Re: Full fibre install

No it wasn't installed as he said I needed a booster.  He dismissed my idea of running an ethernet cable.    So If I get them back to put it both units in the hall,  can I then move it myself and run my own cable?

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Message 5 of 22

Re: Full fibre install

It would only need less than 10m of cable.  He said he didn't have any on his van

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 22

Re: Full fibre install

Absolutely no idea what he meant by 'booster'. MJ Quinn will install ONT and hub adjacent to each other. You can simply run a Cat5E or better Ethernet cable yourself up to 100 metres to where you want the hub located.

Message 7 of 22

Re: Full fibre install

I didn't either. And neither did BT when I spoke to them to say I needed one.  They think it's a WiFi disc which is still a wireless connection.  Thankyou all though, I think I'll get them back in , they can place then both in the hall and I shall move it myself.   

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 22

Re: Full fibre install

You can't move the ONT yourself but nothing stops you having the ONT installed and just connecting it to the router via a long ethernet cable and then connecting the router to PCs etc.

Its what I did as there was no way to have the ONT in the same room as my gaming PC so i just connect it to the router via a 30m ethernet cable

Message 9 of 22

Re: Full fibre install

As stated on a Standard Installation the Engineer can run up to 10m of Cabling Internally, that’s 10m of Cable, not as the crow fly’s across the room so if going up and around door frames that’s about half your 10m gone already. 

Although there is no reason they can’t drill through internal walls, providing it’s safe. Did that many a time myself.

Also the Engineers can only do Data Extension Sockets on Premium Installs, not on Standard.

Message 10 of 22

Re: Full fibre install

I had my instal drop into the existing trunking for surround sound. Around the room to the point where i have power. Any chance you can fit some? d line i think, sculpted, looks like the top of the skirting and is neat.