ive posted a few times regarding this and still have gaming lags on my Xbox Series X.
I have FTTP Fibre 150, 300-500 downloads, 50mb uploads, 10ms ping and no ping spikes, no packet loss.
I have set up a static ip address and tried various dns on the Xbox. My Nat type is always open.
I have ipv6 turned off on the router, and tried both upnp and port forwarding; either one turned off whilst trying the other.
i have noticed that the Xbox creates a 5 digit port at random which I believe is causing the issue, as my understanding is this is sent from the router.
this has only happened since the SH2 router was updated on the 9th or 10th of December.
i think my last option is to purchase a gaming router.
does anyone have any further feedback and if not which router is best for FTTP with BT?