My old HP P1102w wireless printer works well when communicating with my smart hub in the same room.
I have an ethernet cable from the hub to my Sky box two rooms away.
Since activating the hot spot function on the sky box [works with any broadband provider now] my broadband signal is much improved but the HP will not print when the hot spot is on . It is a hassle and slow response switching it off and on.
If the smart hub could be forced to only accept wifi communication from the printer directly and ignore the hotspot i think printing should be reliable again.
Is it possible? I know very little about routers.
Hmm a quick research suggests the printer only supports Wi-Fi b/g speed standards I wonder if the Sky STB hotspot feature is perhaps N and above only devices.
Apologies there are current levels of Wi-Fi speeds - there is usually an option to select what minimum speed standard devices can connect at but I am not familiar with this hotspot feature. Is there any option there that might related? Is 5GHz Wifi listed as this is usually offered with N level speeds.
the hub does not connect to any wifi but the hub broadcasts a wifi signal and devices connect to the hub. your printer decides which wifi signal it connects to based on the one you select and enter password. It may be that there is a conflict in channel with hub and sky so try changing the wifi channel in the hub probably the 2.4ghz to something different. a wifi analyser on your phone will show channels in use and enable you to select a free or less congested channel for the hub
You can select the channel for both 2.4 and 5ghz networks Ian SH2 you just can't split the networks like you can in SH1/HH6. JUST select smart select/auto for channel and then you get a. choice of channel