I've recently migrated from another provider and have noticed my upload speed has reduced, which I believe may have been capped; see Smart Hub 2 technical log below:
The upload rate has not changed from 9.995 Mbps since migration, which was 11 days ago (the disconnect was me connecting to the master socket to see if it would improve) even though the upload SNR has changed slightly a couple of times.
I have also include the order email below, which confirmed I should be supplied with Fibre 2:
Interestingly, the BT checker shows a upload rate achieved higher than is theoretically possible; this is from 3 days ago and is highlighted below? This is a similar upload speed which I used to achieve with my previous provider:
There is a similar post here, in which the customer has been provisioned on the wrong speeds, when they migrated to BT: https://community.bt.com/t5/BT-Fibre-broadband/Upgraded-to-Fibre-2-but-still-on-Fibre-1-speeds/m-p/2...
My thoughts are there may have been an error when setting up my account; does anyone have any views or could help with investigating this further?
Thankyou in advance.
can you run btspeedtester and post results interested to see the up profile
Thankyou for your response.
When using a wired connection to the router this is the result; however it appears the system is "busy"?:
When I try using my PC upstairs, the error message is slightly different:
I'll rerun the test later this evening, in the hope I can provide what you asked.
Hi @TheEvilDead welcome to the community and thanks for posting, I'm sorry to see you're having problems with your upload speed. It looks like its stuck on a 10Mb profile but we'd need to take a closer look from our side to figure out what's going on.
I've sent you a private message so you can get in touch with the moderation team and we'll be happy to help.