Message 31 of 53

Re: Internet speed

You seem to have a misunderstanding of how the system you are connected to works , with FTTC, fibre to the cabinet , the path from the cabinet to your home remains over a copper cable, as you are what’s predicted for your location ( 6.7-10.7Mb,  getting 7.2Mb  within that range) speed is  primarily dictated by the distance from the cabinet to your home , you are some distance from the cab so your speed isn’t going to be anywhere near as good as someone much closer to the cabinet can achieve, but there may be small gains to be had by connecting the router into the master socket test port , but if 9Mb upload is a minimum requirement of your employer and the range to be expected for your location is 7-10Mb, then you may struggle to get it and that isn’t a ‘fault’ , and it’s not that you are being deliberately limited, FTTC is a rate adaptive system , if , to achieve a stable connection,  7Mb is the best it will deliver, and the line isn’t faulty  , that’s it, no more to be said.

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Message 32 of 53

Re: Internet speed




Thank you.  I am aware that it is copper cable and two years ago fibre optic was installed with a porthole at every house if people wanted to move to the faster server with another ISP.

It was suggested today by the adviser, who consulted with their line manager, that no one in my post code, even if the kerbside cabinet is by their front door are unlikely to get near or past 7 currently. This is what was suggested in my call yesterday.

Either way, 9 is not available and neither is the opportunity now, although the fibre optic provider may, some residents have it already and I could enquire but it is too late for what I needed.  There is also the personal earth station (PES) option which I know is there and I know that service is provided from mainland Europe. Currently there was no reason to move and I was staying loyal but if it affects may options adversely, I would need to change.   It is academic now anyway and what is displayed in my account 6-9 has been changed by BT to 6-7 for that package for all clients nationally.

Thank you again and I will keep logging in more often as it has a lot of helpful information in it.


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Message 33 of 53

Re: Internet speed

I have no idea where you are getting this total nonsense from. If the green cabinet was next to your house you would get 80M download and 20M upload.

It is academic now anyway and what is displayed in my account 6-9 has been changed by BT to 6-7 for that package for all clients nationally.

No it hasn't.

Full fibre isn't  available to you as your checker screenshot shows.

0 Ratings
Message 34 of 53

Re: Internet speed



Sorry I am frustrating you but not as much as BT has me.


Halo 1 was sold with an estimated upload of 6-9 and it has been changed to 6-7 - nationally.  If I look at my current package it displays 6-9 but when select to upgrade it displays the change of the new lower estimate of 6-7.  The adviser today consulted with her line manager and confirmed back that above 7 will not be achieved anywhere in Milton Keynes.  When I looked up halo 1 through the upgrade option in my account all of them display 6-7 and not as before 6-9.

I thought late last night I had found a solution possibly of the fibre 1 which is 6-9 and it said that the product and prices are also offered to existing clients but when I spoke to the adviser this morning and she spoke to the manger, I was advised it was not available to me and  even on that package, my post code will not reach 7 - that is irrespective of where the cabinet is.  The adviser then offered me the largest halo 1 which was double the cost but no change in the low upload of  less than 7 which was confirmed to me.  All of the halo packages offer an upload speed of 6-7 only.  The adviser said as it is unpredictable some may achieve that but it is not by design on halo and they can only give the estimate of a range of between 6-7.

I am only going by what the advisers and their managers in the background are telling me.  It's not a problem now as the service for what I usually need meets my requirement and the other need is no longer an option.

0 Ratings
Message 35 of 53

Re: Internet speed


You seem to be missing the point of what the posts are telling you. Due to your distance from the street cabinet you are not going to get faster than you have whichever FTTC package you select and which Halo version you select.   The advice you got from your phone call about nobody in Milton Keynes getting faster is rubbish and people in closer proximity to their street cabinet will get the max80/20mb connection

This graph explains speed over distance from street cabinet



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Message 36 of 53

Re: Internet speed



Thank you.  I only did the tests that the BT tech support told me - until the small hours in the belief that they knew what they were telling m may work.

I have registered the conversations in a complaint log with BT - not really to complain as they are very pleasant and only as good as they are trained to do. It was opened before I knew there was no fix but it will be interesting now to hear what they say about upselling a product that does not deliver what I was looking for also.

I did understand what you were telling me about cables and distance but BT are telling me the performance you are describing is not available to any halo customers no matter how close they are to the kerbside cabinet and it was confirmed by their line manager.   

The upshot is BT cannot deliver what the account displayed at the time I applied for the job so for me, it does not have any impact now on my general usage.  

Thank you for your information, at the end, BT say I will not be getting the service at the levels so now I know for any future job applications.






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Message 37 of 53

Re: Internet speed

@chriso57 wrote:

The upshot is BT cannot deliver what the account displayed at the time I applied for the job so for me, it does not have any impact now on my general usage.  

But that is not correct.  You were given an ESTIMATED speed range of 6-9mb and you had a connection of 7mb and as posted already that is within the estimated speed quoted by BT







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0 Ratings
Message 38 of 53

Re: Internet speed



You are right and when I enquired they said to increase the speed, work nearer the hub and use an ethernet cable. They also said to try off peak times - I did both but actually, they said it most definitely will not ever go beyond 7 on any halo account.  I just naively did what they said and didn't think to double check that it may not work for me. 

Don't worry - it gives me what I now need.

0 Ratings
Message 39 of 53

Re: Internet speed

6 to 9 means exactly that... anywhere between.


So even if you get 6.1 upload you're still technically within spec for your line.


Nothing anyone can do about it due to how FTTC works.


Judging by your estimated speeds, I'm gonna guess you're probably around 500m away  from the cab that serves you.


When I was on FTTC I was estimated between 20 and 36mb/s and like 4-6 upload, the lines here are long and aluminium exists within the circuit.



0 Ratings
Message 40 of 53

Re: Internet speed


Thank you and I wish I came here first and asked the question.  The tech support gave me steps to follow in order to reach nine and so they don't know that it will never reach maximum when they are x distance away.

I have worked long enough to be pre digital/satcomms and recall the effect on distance calls.  If you have never been to Porthcuurno you must go .....

In future I will come here first and it would have been more helpful if I had done that yesterday.   I have saved the links and will be looking at the information more closely. 



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