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Message 1 of 2


Hi I recently found a default on my credit file. This was from an old address. Before we moved we closed down by sports all payments where upto date and done. However they didn’t close our account down properly the agent that dealt with it didn’t the close the account down they was he should have. Bt investigated  and said bt where at fault and they admit responsibility they credit my account and recalled the debt from 3rd party which they sold the debt to. Fast foward a week and it’s gone of my credit file via the 3rd party all brilliant. As I stated many time how important it is to get it removed quickly. The issue now start to begin I was suppose to be contacted by a manger from Cardiff who was dealing with it all brilliantly till she was suppose to call me back. 2 weeks have gone by no call called up countless of times and they say we can’t put you though to her only we can send her and email to call you. She must have about 20 emails!! And I have 0 calls and bt default which show 0 settled but is still showing on my credit file!!! What should I do!!? I am at my white end! 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Default

Hi @Maham92 

Welcome to the community.

I'm sorry to hear that this hasn't been resolved yet. I recommend giving our Customer Care team a call so they can check up and give you an update on the complaint. Hopefully they can help get this resolved for you quickly.

Please keep us posted on what happens.


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