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Home Essentials Package Order Issue

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I’ve having a lot of bother with the Home Essentials package I ordered for my brother which I’d be grateful for some advice with. My brother is disabled and moved to a new property a few months ago. As he receives Pension Credit, he is eligible for the Home Essentials Package.

I contacted BT at the start of March to enquire about the package. As he has a Care Alarm on the phone line, I needed the existing non digital line to be maintained. Over multiple calls, I went through the application on behalf of my brother twice for the Home Essentials package which he was accepted for on both occasions.

The order was finally placed on the 12th of March with a friendly advisor who knew about the care alarms and the problem with digital lines. The package was for approx. 37 Mbps internet, with the phone line and unlimited calls. This was for £15 a month.

The problem with the order is that my brother is being charged for all calls for the land line on a pay as you go basis. He was also charged £50 for a connection fee which I don’t understand as online states there are no setup charges with this package.

I tried to resolve this on a webchat in April and was assured it would be fixed by the next bill. This didn’t happen.

As my brother has been in and out of hospital the last 6 months, his Pension Credit was then stopped for several weeks which I have just managed to sort out – hence the delay addressing this further.

Ordering the package and my experience so far has been bitterly disappointing.

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Home Essentials Package Order Issue

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I have asked a moderator to provide assistance, they will post an invite on this thread.
They are the only BT employees on this forum, and are based in the UK.

Message 3 of 6

Re: Home Essentials Package Order Issue

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Hi @Queensferry10 and welcome to our community.

Thanks for posting. I'm sorry there's been problems with your brothers account. I'll be happy to take a look at this for you. I'll need a few details so please check your inbox for my message and drop me a reply.



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Message 4 of 6

Re: Home Essentials Package Order Issue

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Thanks for sending over the details @Queensferry10 

I'm glad I was able to get this sorted for you. Get back to us if there are any other problems.

All the best


Message 5 of 6

Re: Home Essentials Package Order Issue

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Just wanted to say thanks to David for getting the account issues sorted.

The last few months have been a bit stressful with my relative having multiple hospital admissions and also moving house – a lot at once.

Big thanks for helping all of my family.
Message 6 of 6

Re: Home Essentials Package Order Issue

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Thanks for getting back @Queensferry10 

It's my pleasure. You know were we if you need anything else.

All the best


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