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Message 451 of 952

Re: e mails

thanks, good to know it's not just me

0 Ratings
Message 452 of 952

Re: e mails

You would have realised that if you had read the thread first.

0 Ratings
Message 453 of 952

Re: BT Webmail Feedback

I am having two major issues with the new email system. 

Firstly the whole system is very, very slow and sluggish. Takes minutes to display an email to read it and equally as long to do anything with it like replying, deleting or moving it to another folder. 

When composing an email the cursor keeps jumping back to the start line. You can be mid flow in a sentance and whilst actually typing the cursor has jumped to the first line and characters have been typed there instead of on the actual line of text you are working on. This is even happening mid word as well. 

I have just typed this post with no problems at all so it is not my computer but a major problem with the new email system.  

Message 454 of 952

Re: email

I have had this issue with the new BT Email.
It is bad and no way better than before, Why change ?

Different sizes of fonts keep appearing when you return to the next line. I have to highlight all and then change the size when I have finished composing.

Have to save a draft if you want to refer to a different email, there are many other issues with this new release.

Using Google chrome , Zoom is set to 100%

Message 455 of 952

Re: email

Yes I had the font size issue as well. 

Happily typing away in one font size and then the next line is in a much smaller font without  me requesting this change. 

Message 456 of 952

Re: email

Yep, welcome to the new way of working with this new email client. Its costing me ages with the jumping cursors, the client seemingly unresponsive for 10s of seconds at time meaning I can complete maybe half a line at a time. It does seem more dependent on the message length, e.g. forwards or reply-to with longish prior messages seems to make it worse.

Some of the experienced contibutors will point to the BT folks contribution saying they do follow this community, are picking up the vibes on the problems and looking into them

As someone who has worked for years in the IT industry I find the evident lack of testing prior to release puzzling, most of these things should have been found in a good test, as is the statement that the BT team feel compelled to complete the rollout even in its current state rather than regress to the previous quite stable version while they sort out these problems. Using many  thousands of customers as the beta testers seems a strange business model to me.

So please BT  folks if you do follow this please publish a) what you are doing to fix, and b) when.

Message 457 of 952

Re: Cursor jumping when composing email

I've been having the same issue on Chrome and Safari on a Mac.

Just spent 1.5 hours with BT resulting in no fix. They have said there isn't an issue with them and it must be my browser.

I've reset both but the glitch is still happening.


If I find a fix, I'll post it.

Message 458 of 952

Re: Where has the search box gone? OK found it! But it doesn't work like it used to.

I’m having the same problems. Can’t search the inbox as nothing comes up. Just spent nearly half hour manually searching for an invoice - gave up.  I can’t seem to download any attachments either. Hate this new system. If BT don’t resolve it I will be looking for a new provider, been with BT over 30 years.  If it ain’t broke - don’t fix it !


0 Ratings
Message 459 of 952

Re: Cursor jumping when composing email

@JayBattle says ...

I've been having the same issue on Chrome and Safari on a Mac.

Just spent 1.5 hours with BT resulting in no fix. They have said there isn't an issue with them and it must be my browser.

I've reset both but the glitch is still happening.

Now, where has this been heard recently? ... ie "nobody else is having problems with the software" inferring that it must be your fault (and if not your fault then your equipment).

You have spent 1.5 hours of your time only to be fobbed off - with probably tens of thousands of calls from customers so far - how many man hours of BT helpdesk has it cost so far.  Those costs are ultimately being paid for by BT customers ... if BT had tried and tested the release this wouldn't be happening!  Don't waste too much of your time trying to find a fix.  Workarounds already documented in this thread, best bet for the jumping cursor/font is probably to type your email in a notepad - then copy and paste... not ideal I know ... but much less frustrating.

Rant over



Message 460 of 952

Re: Cursor jumping when composing email

If you are reading these comments BT this is serious. I'm sure you will be trying your best, but I can't work with a jumping cursor and random font changes.